Chapter 5: An odd encounter

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Julia was riding in the front of a rusty mine cart with her sister in the back. There were only 4 people now not counting herself. Lee was with yellow and pink doing something that involves breaking into an office, and Warr- wait where was Warren?

"Guys... I think Warren died..." Julia said, looking in the back of the cart.

"Oh my... you're right. I didn't see him come out of here when we came outside. What if... orange got him..." Alita said.

"Oh my gosh... you're right. Warren. You were too sweet to die..."

"(Sigh) how many people do we have left now?" Alita asked.

"5. Including me." Julia said, pushing her forehead.

"Guys were coming up on something." Ben said, pointing at a red curtain. Once they got only centimeters away from the curtain. It suddenly stopped. And the curtain opened to reveal cyan's large head ready to bite.

"Lady's, gentlemen and little kids, please give a round of applause to... CYAN THE T- REX!!!!"

The ride immediately started and took a very large drop.


"Hey we're we just here?" Love said looking at the hemolock woods sign.

"It's just a part of the ride. But the design feels very much like we're in hemolock woods."

"Wait. Is that orange?" Love said as the slim lizard came out of a barrel holding a stick of dynamite. It saw the students and immediately charged forward if the students didn't turn the ride they would have all been dead.


"What was that?!" Julia said. "Was orange about to give me another scar?!"

"Who knows?"

"Blue!!!" Ben said.

"Blue what?"

Blue suddenly came out of a large hall and went straight for the students. Yellow was up next, once again the cart turned just in time.

"Cyan's up next!!!" Julia said.

"She shouldn't be a big problem. After all I rode her." Alita said smiling.

"She would totally rip you in half Alita, and she looked angry when we first saw her here."

Cyan appeared out of a corner and looked like she was ready to pounce. The cart turned into a garbage chute.

"Hold on guys... it looks like we're getting a crash landing!" Julia said.

CRASH! The last thing Julia saw before blacking out was a few moldy mattresses, catching her fall.


"Where are we?"

"Guys... I think someone else is coming down the chute..."

"Who... we all came out."

Cyan landed back first onto the hard mattresses and couldn't really get up.

"Run!" Julia said. "Dinosaurs with small or no arms would get up with their tail! She can still get up!"

Alita pushed the door open and ran in with the other students.

"Let's go! The exit is through this hallway!" Julia said.

The students jumped past all of the opticals and anything that came in their way. They were invisible. Or that's what it felt like.

"Guys, look! A clearing!" It was true, Julia did see a clearing inside was an elevator that said, to surface.

"Close the door!" Love said.

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