Wanda acted fast, surrounding the three in a sphere of translucent hex energy that was both protecting them from the gunfire and suspending their descent.

Danny was also quick to react, preparing to use a trick he had failed to utilise last time but had since almost perfected thanks to Monica's training. He placed his right palm over his left and generated a tennis ball-sized dodecahedron of solid kinetic energy.

The construct shot out of the sphere straight towards the ground. It then bounced off the ground and onto one of the soldiers. The construct chaotically rebounded throughout the area, bouncing off of walls and soldiers alike. When the majority had temporarily lost their balance, Danny returned the shape to his hand and dissipated it.

Wanda dispersed the sphere surrounding them, and they dropped to the ground ready to face their assailants.

Outside the warehouse, Shuri had just arrived at the back entrance with Kate and immediately spotted the vibranium being loaded into two armoured trucks and one of the G-wagons. Most of the 20 people who were positioned outside had already moved into the warehouse, and the remaining ones outside were concentrated on getting the vibranium.

"Ava, can you send me an aircraft with magnetic cables?" Shuri requested, placing Kate on the ground, and hovering beside her.

"Prepping the copter jet," Ava replied, and Shuri got a ping on her H.U.D.

Taking her chance, the armoured Newyorker pounced towards one of the truck's feet first leaving a large dent in the truck right next to one of the soldier's heads. She sent a thruster-powered kick to the soldier's face, incapacitating them immediately. This action was followed by Kate shooting one of the soldiers in the leg before they had a chance to react. The Wakandan hero bounced off the side of the truck, and shot a beam from her right gauntlet at the normal frequency at the soldiers near the other truck, sending them away briefly. During all this commotion, the G-wagon had managed to slip away unnoticed with a small but sizeable amount of vibranium in the trunk

Right on schedule, the Copter jet in its jet formation had arrived. It decelerated as it started to shift forms. The copter tail had now extended from the back like a collapsible fishing pole. The Wings had collapsed in on themselves, whilst the helicopter blades popped up from their hiding spot, and began to rotate, keeping the craft suspended in the air above the warehouse.

"Cables," The princess requested, and two magnetic cables descended from the jet and near the foot soldiers that she had just incapacitated.

She and Kate moved quickly, attaching the cables to the top of the vans before more foot soldiers could get too close to her.
When the soldiers had finally reached them, it was too late as the vans were already in the air and on their way to Newyorker mansion. Shuri went to blast the soldiers away, but an unexpected hit connected to the side of her face. Normally this wouldn't have shocked her, but this was different. Her helmet's exterior was slightly damaged. She regained her balance and saw a fairly bulky guy wearing an exoskeleton with a glowing purple back and large metal fists standing before her.

A quick scan of the exoskeleton confirmed that it was made of the same stuff the rhino was. A chitauri metal and unrefined vibranium alloy, but she had drastically underestimated its strength.

The soldier charged at her, and she fired her gauntlets at their destabilising frequency, stopping the guy in his tracks, and slowly pushing him back. She continued to fire, and although it was slowing down the soldier, he was still moving, and Aja-Adanna's gauntlet was beginning to vibrate abnormally. She was starting to get worried until the soldier cried out and dropped to his knees with his body forming an acute angle. Behind him, Kate had shot an electric arrow into the exoskeletons glowing back.

Kate was about to say something quippy, but the ground started to rumble, and as if history was repeating itself, the new and improved rhino burst into the warehouse. Unlike last time, however, the rhino successfully managed to charge at Spiderman, Scarlet and Surge, pushing them back into a wall.

Shuri was ready to fire her gauntlets but didn't want to risk missing her shot. Especially in the condition her gauntlets were in. Kate seemed to have caught her drift however and fired a sonic arrow at the top of a wall after telling her honorary teammates to plug their ears.

The arrow released a sound similar to the one Ava had played in the morning, causing the soldiers who were still conscious and surprisingly even the rhino to stop in their tracks. The Newyorkers took this opportunity, and all fired their attacks at the rhino suit, right under its pectorals.

Unfortunately, a masked figure with forearms engulfed in flames seemingly came out of the shadows, jumping up onto the rhino's shoulder and kicking the 9ft tall armour out of his way, like it was nothing. Whilst this figure was in the air, the entire warehouse seemed to be getting hotter, and out of the blue, the figure threw a large fireball towards the sonic arrow, destroying it on impact. The figure then used a series of expertly directed fire blasts to position himself facing the frozen shocked Newyorkers and released a column of devastating fire straight in their direction.

The Newyorkers (Project next-gen part 2)Where stories live. Discover now