Back to school: Part 2

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"You know, this school isn't half bad," Danny said, as the team, excluding Wanda, sat down for lunch.

"You've only been here for half a day, give it some time,"

"Just wait till your senior year," Wanda said, joining the conversation and sitting down at the table.

As the team ate their lunch, someone accidentally shoved Danny. He turned around to see who it was and saw the mystery girl from the reception. He noticed that something had fallen out of her bag, and saw a purple arrow necklace. It looked like one that he had seen Clint wear, the few times that Danny had seen him in the compound. He picked it up and gave it to her and she thanked him before continuing her walk with the teacher she was with.

"Who was that?" Shuri asked.

"The girl Danny's been staring at all day," Wanda replied.

"What!" Danny said in shock. "I haven't been staring," He added, impulsively turning his gaze to the exit where the mystery girl coincidentally stood at the door.

"You're doing it right now," Wanda said.

Danny picked up his apple from his tray and took a bite out of it whilst tilting his head to the ceiling.

"You happy now?" Danny asked sarcastically

"Very," Wanda replied, chuckling. and they all continued eating their lunch.

Once they were done, they left the cafeteria and spent some time outside before returning to their classrooms.

Danny kept on reflecting on where he could have seen that girl's face. She seemed so familiar, but he had no idea she existed until then

In his last period, he grabbed his sketchbook out of his bag and started to sketch a perfect portrait of the girl until the end of the period.


"Still think schools aren't that bad?" Ned asked Danny as they left the building for

"Gotta admit, it wasn't as fun as I thought it would be," Danny replied.

"Told you," Wanda said

"I'll see you guys tonight," Peter said, as they reached the gate

"You're not coming with us?" Shuri asked

"I'm having dinner with May," He replied

"Alright, see you later," Danny said and he walked away with Shuri and Wanda whilst Peter went with Ned and MJ

Danny, Shuri and Wanda made it to the car and took most of the ride home in silence. They entered through the empty garage and into HQ.
They exited the car and Shuri jumped backwards onto the circular couch, releasing an exhausted sigh.

Danny dropped his bag on the couch and went straight to the mini fridge, taking the second to last capri-sun out of the 20-pack box.

"Did you finish the box?" Wanda asked a little surprised, as they had bought them just 3 days prior

Danny looked back at the single pouch in the fringe and responded with a simple, "No,".

"You know, we should name ourselves," Shuri said looking at her bracelet gauntlets.

"Don't we already have names?" Danny replied a little confused.

"She means code names," Wanda clarified.

"Ohh, like Pete and Spider-Man,"

"Exactly," Shuri replied.

"I'll go with Scarlet," Wanda said "My powers are red and my suit is red, so it just kind of makes sense,"

"What about you Shuri," Danny asked

Shuri really had no idea what to call herself even though it was her idea to have a code name. She didn't exactly want a panther-themed name, but then all of her tech is panther themed. Then she stumbled on something. Something her dad used to call her. A name she had almost forgotten.

"Aja-Adana," She replied

"I like it, does it mean anything?" Wanda asked

"I'm pretty sure it means warrior, it's a name my dad used to call me, but I never saw it as more than that," Shuri briefly explained.

"But I digress, what about your name Danny?" Shuri added.

"So I did some quick thinking, I need a cool name, you know. Something that sounds heroic. Something flashy and then I realised I should call myself just that. I'm gonna call myself The Flash," Danny exclaimed proudly, looking at his two friends for their approval.

Wanda opened her mouth trying to say something, and Shuri just scratched the back of her neck.

"You know Danny, I think that name's already taken," Shuri said.

"What," Danny said, with all of the excitement drained out of his voice

"Hhhhmmmmm," Danny groaned, dropping back onto the couch.

"How about Power surge?" Shuri asked, and Danny shot up, thinking about it.

"Too long," Wanda criticised
"We need to shorten it, Like just Surge,"

"Now that, I like," Danny said, with his enthusiasm replenished.

"Don't we have homework to do," Shuri asked, looking at her watch

"Shit!" Wanda exclaimed, noticing the time.

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