Newyorker mansion

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"Morning," Danny said, walking into the living room wearing the hoodie that Peter gave him, and joining the others who were already awake.

He made himself a bowl of cereal at super speed and noticed the many boxes around the room.

"What's with all the boxes?'' he asked.

"Don't know, they were already here when we woke up," Wanda replied.

Danny turned his head to the door, picking up on a half dozen footsteps. The door opened, and Monica walked in, followed by Peter and four Sword agents.

"Good, you guys are already awake," Monica said

"Peter?" Shuri said in confusion "I thought you were spending the weekend with May,"

"I was, till Monica came to pick me up," Peter replied

"Did you guys pack your bags?" She asked.

"Bags? Why do we need bags?" Wanda asked.

"I'll explain on the way," Monica replied,"

"On the way to where?" Danny asked

"Follow me and you'll see," Monica replied.

"Get the rooms cleared by 10," Ordered Monica to one of the Sword agents before leaving.

Monica and the Newyorkers left the compound and entered an armoured vehicle.

"So where are we going exactly?" Danny asked.

"Your new home," Monica replied

"New home?!" Replied the Newyorkers in unison

"Yeah, since the Newyorkers are official now, we're relocating you to a new house," Monica explained.

"Wait, we've only been a team for a few weeks, how'd you build a house?" Shuri asked.

"We didn't, it was part of the assets Stark left to you guys. It was one of his houses," Monica replied, just as the car drove by the previous Avenger's tower

"Hey who ended up buying Avengers tower anyways?" Wanda asked, observing the skyscraper.

"I don't know, but apparently the new owner is super secretive or something," Peter replied.

The vehicle turned into a privately owned forest near the east river, drove straight for about 2 miles, and ended up in a large open field with a small cottage in the middle. The car stopped and they all exited the vehicle

"This is our new house?" Shuri asked

"Sorry, cloaking is still on," Monica said, as she pressed a few keys on her tablet.

A light blue glitch appeared around the field and dissipated, revealing the real house. A large modern mansion with many surrounding structures, namely a large swimming pool, a camping bungalow and others.

"See you inside, Danny smirked," and ran into the building at super speed.

The others entered the house just as Danny finished his tour and screeched into the entrance.

"This place is awesome, it has like 20 rooms," Danny exclaimed.

"15 actually, and you guys will get to see all of them after I show you that," Said Monica, pointing to a door at the end of the hall underneath the curved stairs.

"What's so special about a door?" Peter asked Monica, now in front of the door

Monica slid the face panel of a light switch beside the door to the left, revealing a fingerprint sensor. She scanned her thumb and the door clicked open.

The Newyorkers (Project next-gen part 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon