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After exiting the garage, the five teens split up, each going to a separate part of the city. Peter had chosen the warehouse in Queens for one reason, and he was rapidly approaching that reason.

He landed on the side of his aunt's apartment building and peered through the living room window. As usual, she was working even though it was quite late in the night. He felt bad about leaving her to live with his teammates, but she had encouraged him to do so. Not wanting to be distracted for too long, Pete leapt off of the building and started swinging toward his assigned location. He stopped at a building a few streets away, after noticing just a few guards surrounding the warehouse.

"A.V.A., can you get me a visual inside the building?" He asked

"Of course," She replied, and the spider emblem on his chest detached from the rest of his suit, setting course to the warehouse.

The drone manoeuvred past the guards and slipped through a slightly cracked open window. The drone scanned the interior, but the place was almost completely empty. No vibranium, and no stabiliser.

"Damn it," Peter whispered to himself.

"Guys, my address is a no-go," Peter said in his coms, as the drone re-attached to his suit.

"Just left my second, no luck yet," Danny replied, as he ran through the streets, not noticing the pedestrians trying to film his blue streak.

"I just got to my address," Wanda said, descending in front of an unguarded warehouse with her feet just inches off of the ground, and a red aura surrounding her hands.

She hovered around the building and instantly sensed a lot of energy emanating from it. She found some large double doors that were mysteriously unlocked and not fully closed and was about to enter, but this all felt a little too convenient. So she checked the building again and found one of the skylights on the roof open. Kneeling by the opening, she managed to peer inside, and was surprised to see the place was entirely empty, but a red glare across the room caught her eye. She took a closer look and saw a grid of barely noticeable red lasers throughout the room. Her suspicion was right, it was a trap, and only something extremely valuable needed to be guarded by a laser grid. After taking a longer look at the open space, Wanda quickly found the origins of each laser.

Standing up, she took a deep breath and conjured 2 dozen hex energy discs in her hands. She fed a little more energy into them, and they started showing reflective properties. She knelt by the open skylight and manoeuvred each of the discs towards the laser origins. She positioned each of them in such a way that they would clear the floor of the warehouse, and as planned, each of the beams shot upwards into the night sky.

Wanda sighed in relief and dropped through the skylight opening, cushioning her fall with her powers. She took a few minutes to look around, but there was nothing in there worth protecting. Until bumped into something. Large and metallic. Odd thing is, the warehouse was completely empty

She took a few steps back and shot a bolt of hex energy towards the area she had just collided with. A purple light glitched where she had just hit, and a large black metallic pillar with a turned-off light revealed itself. Wanda looked around the room and released a wave of energy across the room, and 7 more pillars revealed themselves, 4 on each side of the length of the area.

"Shuri, I think I found the stabilisers," Wanda said, to her teammate in her coms.

"Did you find the vibranium?" Shuri asked, changing her trajectory mid-flight, rocketing towards Wanda's location.

"No, but the stabilisers are powered down, and I feel a lot of residual energy in this place. I think they've already been used," Wanda revealed.

"Isn't that good, I mean now we can track it," Danny suggested.

The Newyorkers (Project next-gen part 2)Where stories live. Discover now