Mystery investigated

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After a few minutes of idle talking, Monica landed the jet on the landing pad, and the team made their way to the briefing room, where Fury and T'challa were waiting. Shuri greeted her brother in a warm hug before the meeting started.

"Excuse me for the abrupt meeting, but an emergency situation has been brought to my attention," Fury began

"Does it have anything to do with the video I sent my brother of disappearing vibranium," Shuri said sarcastically

"Yes, it does," Fury replied, playing the video footage at a slowed-down speed.

"As you can see, one of the trains cars disappears as the camera angle switches" Fury explained

"Shuri," T'challa said, grabbing his sister's attention

"I know that you wanted to come home and investigate, but if your theory is true, then I don't want you anywhere near Wakanda," T'challa said.

"What's your theory," Wanda asked Shuri

"Intruders, I'm not sure how they got in or if they're still in the city," She answered.

"That's why I can't let you investigate Shuri, the threat is still at large and I want you as far away from it as possible,"

"If you're not gonna let us investigate, then why are we here?" Shuri asked a little annoyed

"Because of this," Fury said, and an image of a very sci-fi-looking but damaged glowing purple rifle.

"We found this in a small cave in the mine shaft. We've spent all day analysing it, and from what we can see, it could be either a portal gun or an energy grenade launcher," T'challa explained

"And judging by the fact that the crate disappeared and didn't blow up," Danny started

"It's probably a portal gun," Peter Finished

"That tech looks chitauri," Monica said

"That's because it is, and we think it might be connected to your previous mission," Fury said

"Yeah, that warehouse was full of unfinished tech," Peter commented

"Does anyone remember that guy that Sam met in the auction house?" Wanda asked

"Something Bishop I think," Danny replied

"I already told Sam that it's not possible, Derek Bishop is in England,"  Fury said sternly

"How do you know that," Pete asked

"Because he's a friend of Clint's, he asked me to keep an eye on him," Fury replied

"We've got bigger problems to deal with, pure vibranium has to be deactivated in order to be transported. I'm not sure if the people who stole it know that, but if they don't they'll probably return to figure out how to activate it," Shuri explained

"If it's deactivated, can't we track it?" Peter asked

"I'm not sure, we only destabilise vibranium for transport, so I never studied its properties.," Shuri replied

"Try and find a way to track it, I'll fortify the defences around your lab," T'challa said to Shuri, and she nodded in response.

"With your permission your highness, I can get S.W.O.R.D. To help you analyse that portal gun," Monica said to T'challa, and he nodded in recognition.

"Now if I'm not mistaken, you've all got chemistry homework to do," Fury said, looking at his watch.

"Shit," Danny said.

"You guys can go ahead, the ESJ's programmed to take you home," Monica said, and the four kids left the room.

"I'll also be leaving now, if Shuri's theory is true, I've got to monitor the repairs happening," T'challa announced to Monica and Fury and left soon after.

Fury took a seat a few chairs down from Monica and let out a loud and exhausted sigh, putting his right index finger and thumb on his temples.

"How you doing Talos?" Monica asked turning in Fury's direction

Parts of Fury's body started glowing purple through his clothes and his facial structure contorted to one that in no way resembled Fury.

"I don't know how much longer I can keep up this charade," Talos stated, sinking into his seat. "Being this grumpy all the time is unbearable, I don't know how Fury can live like this," Talos finished in an Australian-sounding voice.

"It can't be so bad, I mean you get to run this place," Monica said pointing at a shield logo on the wall opposite them.

"It was great at first, but then I had to deal with a killer android trying to destroy the world, then a mad titan that killed us for five years, then a phoney pretending to be from another universe and now this conspiracy," Talos recalled, and groaned at the thought if all the time that had passed.

Monica shifted over the seat beside Talos, and transformed into her X-ray form, causing her body to glow a warbling black and white. She looked straight through the ceiling and locked onto a large metallic structure that was coincidentally orbiting right above them.

"Don't worry, as soon as Fury's done on the peak, you'll be in retirement on a beach chair drinking cocktails," Monica said, returning to her normal form and causing Talos to chuckle

"I hope so, I haven't seen the family in quite a while," Talos said

"How is your daughter?" Monica asked "I don't think I've seen her since we were kids," She added

"She's doing quite well for herself, she's actually expecting," Talos said proudly

"That's great," Monica said ecstatically  "How long have you known?"

"A few months, but skrulls take a little longer to develop than humans, so it's not due till next year" Talos explained

"I'll try my best to get you off of this planet before then," Monica said

"Is Director Haywood still pushing your buttons as S.W.O.R.D?" Talks asked changing topics.

"Don't even get me started, ever since I got my powers he won't give me  authorisation to go on any missions even though they would make things so much easier," Monica ranted

"Why don't you take over, I mean your mum started the company that's gotta count for something?"

"I don't know, my mom was so great I just feel like I don't deserve it yet,"

"That's nonsense," Talos mocked causing Monica to chuckle.

Just then, Monica's phone got a notification. She pulled out her phone and was a little confused about the message she got from Danny.

'Can you get me one of Clint's arrows if you're still at the Avengers base' It read.

"Sorry Talos, I gotta go," Monica said, putting her phone back in her pocket.

"Alright then, see you tomorrow?" Talos asked turning back into Fury.

"Yeah, we've got a conspiracy to deal with," She said, turning into her light form and flying into the armoury. She grabbed an arrow and flew outside and towards Newyorker mansion.

The Newyorkers (Project next-gen part 2)Where stories live. Discover now