From the hydras' point of view

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It was a gloomy winter night in Los Angeles California and an interesting meet-up was about to happen. Outside of a large residence, that could easily be fooled as a hotel, three black G-wagons pulled up. Out of one of them stepped out quite a tall woman, with black and green hair, dressed in an emerald green trench coat. She walked up to the guarded gate of the residence followed by an entourage of guards all holstering handguns.

"Excuse me, this is private property I'm gonna have to ask you to leave," One of the residence's armed guards delivered sternly.

"I'm here to see Derek Bishop," She answered, but it didn't faze the guard

"Mr Bishop isn't taking any visitors," The Guard replied, a little agitated.

"I'm not a visitor, I'm his business partner," The woman replied smugly.

The guard spoke into the walkie-talkie attached to his shoulders," Before signalling his coworkers to open the gate.

The woman and her entourage entered the property, passed a swimming pool and full-sized tennis court and were escorted to Mr Bishop's study where the door was wide open.

Derek looked up from his computer to see who was at the door and almost jumped out of his seat.

"Ophe-," He started but caught himself

"Madam," He corrected, signalling both his and the woman's guards to leave them.

"Surprised to see me?" She asked playfully

"No, I was expecting someone else,"

"Well, they're gonna have to wait. I came to check up on my vibranium,"

"It's still in New York, my guys are doing their best to stabilise it." He explained

"I'm on a deadline here Derek," She responded a little disappointed.

"You've got 3 days to get your shit together, otherwise this little partnership here goes public and your daughter-," She started

"You keep her out of this!" Derek ordered, fueled with adrenaline at the mention of his daughter

"What was that?" The woman asked even though she clearly heard what Derek had just said

"Nothing," He replied with his burst of adrenaline gone.

"You better be prepared, S.H.I.E.L.D and its new pets stopped you once, and they're going to try again," The lady remarked

"Yes, Alexei has agreed to guard the delivery," Derek proposed.

"Good, One of mine has volunteered to go as well, unfortunately, he's a lot more... hot-tempered than me," The lady said, ending the discussion.

Before she left, however, she stood there staring at Derek intimidatingly. Almost as if she were waiting for him to say something.

Derek sighed, and discreetly crossed his fingers behind his back.

"Hail Hydra," He said with no enthusiasm.

"Good," The lady said, loosening up.

"See you in a bit Bishop," She added, walking out of the study and signalling her guards to follow her.

"All done Madam?" Her assistant asked once she entered her car

"Yes, where are we on getting Justin Hammer out of juvie?" She asked as the driver started moving.

"With all of your connection, he'll be out in no time," The guard responded

"Good, contact Val and tell her to speed up her recruitment, and check up on Mason's progress," She said as they arrived outside.

"And lastly how's Alex's performance?" She added

"Excellent, he is at least 20% more powerful than Danny before he escaped," The assistant replied, showing her boss a tablet with some statistics and a picture of a light skin teenage boy beside them.

"It might not be enough, From just the warehouse attack, Danny's a lot stronger then he ever was with us.," The lady thought out loud

"Since we're already here book an appointment with Luke, Alex is gonna need a suit," She ordered

"I'll get right on that. But are you sure this is gonna work, I mean we already lost Danny to the other side, and the same could happen to Alex," The assistant doubted

"Natalie, I thought you of all people would have realised by now. Everything is part of my plan,"

The Newyorkers (Project next-gen part 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora