Chapter 26- Reflections

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Sorry for not updating recently school is, unfortunately, unforgiving.

anyways, new chapter! :D


Wind Archer's eyes opened.

The sun was shining through the open window and he was woken by the sound of birds chirping. He blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the bright sunlight shining down on both him and Fire Spirit, who seemed to still be sleeping.

Both of the archer's hands were wrapped around the slumbering spirit, and one was numb from Fire Spirit's weight on it. He was instantly reminded of last night.

It was... quite the experience.

Sure, he felt good when Millennial Tree hugged him when he was little. But it felt so different when he hugged Fire for some reason.

And... The guilt started coming back. Even though he knew Fire forgave him.

He sighed. He never wanted to see Fire like that again. He still remember how cold he was in his arms, barely even body temperature. He could faintly recall the feeling of blood dripping down to his arms. And it was Wind Archer himself who have done such a thing to him...

He carefully slid his both his arms away from Fire, and gently covered him with the blanket. He looked down at him with a sad but tender look, which quickly turned to one of concern when the flame god started shivering and clutching the blanket tighter.

Ah. Must be the bead...

Wind Archer went to the fireplace with the bead, which is now extinguished. He re-lit it, and the flames rose up and licked the dragon's bead in the middle. The miniscule crack already started repairing.

However, when he turned back, he noticed how Fire Spirit was still shivering.

That's when he started panicking. He immediately rushed up to feel Fire Spirit's forehead, which was still as warm as it should be. He relaxed a little, but still worried for Fire Spirit.

But he didn't start shivering before Wind got out of bed. Is he cold?

...No. He's literally the god of fire. How can he be cold...?

Nevertheless, Wind decided to get a weighted blanket from the cabinet and cover him with it. To his relief, the flame god stopped shivering. But he still clutched his blanket like his life depended on it...

Wind Archer knew exactly what the god wanted, and he blushed at the thought.

But he wouldn't be able to stay with him, even if he wanted to... (which he doesn't! That's weird—) He had things to do in the morning. He's on duty today (He almost always is).

He thought for a while, then went over to the cabinet and pulled out a huge stuffed animal (bird) his father had sewn for him when he was younger. It were almost as big as he was.

He laid it down in Fire Spirit's arms, and the flame god immediately grabbed it and started hugging it. He wrapped both arms and legs around it and squeezed it, firmly but gently. He smiled, snuggling into the plushie.

Wind Archer felt warmness spread to his cheeks. Before he knew it, his face was a dark shade of green. He kept his gaze fixated on his sleeping form and only snapped out of it after a minute. His face flushed an even deeper green and walked away quickly to the door.

What in the Swan's name am I doing?! Why was I— no, I'm just tired, that's all...

He shook those thoughts from his head and stepped out the door. He took one last look at Fire Spirit, and closed the door. 

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