Chapter 14- Lone wolf...?

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Wind Archer watched from his treehouse as some churro villagers worked together to carry a slab of stone. They began rebuilding the houses as soon as the fire was put out, but it was a bit too late. The fire has spread further than ever before. It had been a few days since.

He sighed, tired. At least the fallen spirit had been dealt with.

Still, he couldn't quite understand why the fallen spirit decided to betray the churro villagers like this. They've done so much for him and this is how he repays them?

They really are heartless. He should've listened to his gut. All fallen spirits are evil, no matter how friendly they act.

And the more he thought about him, the angrier he got.

He just doesn't understand... Why?

He clenched his fists.

Power, that's why. He wanted power. Of course. This whole time he was just manipulating them, gaining their trust... just so he can let the fire spread when they least expect it.

He sighed. Of course. He had been manipulated again.

He sat down on a rock, face buried into his hands.

What would the churro villagers think of me? What would father think of me? I'm the one who let him in. I should've been keeping an eye on him.

He couldn't talk to the villagers after this. He had distanced himself further, not even talking to his own father.

Part of this was his fault. He could've easily prevented this. But no.

One of the churro villagers carrying the stone slab spotted him, and waved. "Wind Archer! Thank the tree you're here, Can you help us with-"

Before they knew it, Wind Archer was gone from sight.

"...Oh. Hmm."

Wind Archer was behind a nearby tree, hiding and watching them. The other churro villager sighed.

"The Great Wind has been acting strange lately, right? I wonder why... ever since the fire, he has been refusing to come out!"

"...Yeah. That fallen spirit has also disappeared... I wonder where he is? How come he stopped coming to the forest?"


Wind Archer's eyes widened in surprise. Why would they talk about him like that?! Why do they just act like they haven't just been betrayed by him?! Do they just forgive him like that?! Since when do they just forgive their enemies?

He needed a break from them, most definitely.

Probably the other churro villagers have some sense. Those two probably just didn't sleep well last night. They don't know what they're talking about.

So of course he went straight Churro Cookie himself, since he knew him the most out of all of them.

Churro was wandering around the temple as usual. Wind Archer hid on the roof of the temple, watching him.

He suddenly stopped pacing and sighed, looking up. "...Wind. I know you're there."

Wind Archer hopped down. "Churro... I'm- I'm sorry about the forest-"

Churro raised an eyebrow. "Why are you apologizing? It wasn't your fault that the forest was burned. Besides, we all tried our best to put out the fire."

Wind Archer sighed in relief. At least he knows for sure someone isn't blaming him for the fire.

Churro hummed. "At least the temple was far enough to not be burned. Remember how it went down 3 years ago? We had to rebuild nearly half of the temple and repaint almost all of the murals we worked so hard to put up..."

Wind Archer sighed. "Yeah... I guess..."

"That reminds me, how come we haven't seen the fallen spirit in a while?"

Wind Archer stared at him. "...Why are you asking."

"Mm, I'm just curious. I thought he liked the forest? How come he hasn't come around since the fire?"

"How can you say that?!"

Churro tilted his head. "Say what?"

"How can you just invite him back into the forest after what he's done?! He ruined everything, for Tree's sake!"

"Uh... done what? Look, if this is a couple problem I don't know about, I'm willing to hear you ou-"

But Wind Archer stormed out before he could finish.

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