Chapter 4- Irritation

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Sure enough, they arrived at Galaxy Lake. The tree was still there, with some animals. Most of them fled when they saw fire spirit, and other bigger ones growled at him.

"Looks like they don't like you a lot..."

"Please, they don't run from you because they know you. I'm a stranger."

"Good point... but I think it's mainly because you're a fallen spirit with flaming hair."

"No it's not."

The tree looked over at them. "Oh, hello, little windy~"

Fire Spirit let out a noise, like a dying mouse.

"Please don't call me that in front of others, Millennial Tree..."

"It's 'father' to you, Wind."

"Ok, ok..."

"I see you've made a friend! How adorable! I'm proud of you, wind!"

"He's NOT my friend..." wind archer muttered, "he is merely an uncontainable threat like an explosive I have to appease and keep watch at all hours and minutes of the day or it will eventually become out of control and I would be responsible for all the consequences of his actions."

"Really? Why did you bring him here then? You must trust him a lot to bring him to one of the most sacred parts of the forest~ and especially since you won't let anyone near me..."

"FATHER. You're giving the enemy valuable information. Stop that."

"Enemy? That's an interesting way of saying friend."


"Hello, great tree." Fire Spirit cut Wind Archer off, leaving him even more pissed.

"Oh, hello there, little one."

To Wind Archer's dismay and disgust, Fire Spirit kneeled down and kissed Millennial Tree on the hand. Millennial Tree smiled.

"Is this a way of greeting?"

"Yes. This is how we greet the most elite figures of our society."

No it's not, Wind Archer thought. Fallen spirits would never respect anyone.

"What a polite young man! How very cute."

Wind Archer glared as Fire Spirit got closer and closer to Millennial Tree. He knew that he was just doing this to get under his dough.

"Your horns makes you look like a dragon, almost."

"Thank you... but dragons aren't really in my favor, haha! Most are too hot-headed, and don't care about life, but of course, there are a few exceptions like the golden dragon and such..."

Wind Archer was cringing the whole time they were talking, trying not to attack Fire Spirit in front of the Tree.

Why is the fallen spirit so polite all of a sudden?!

The very figure he's trying to protect is getting so close to a fallen spirit... But he doesn't feel concerned.

Jealousy? No, no. That can't be.

But he should've never let him come here.

Not like he had a choice.

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