Chapter 8- Rain

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It was pouring.

Wind Archer was laying in bed, listening to the rain outside.

Rain usually comforts him, and well... it does this time as well, just... this time, there's a new feeling.


He sighed in frustration, rolled over, and groaned into the leafy pillow. He can't do anything right now. He can't go outside because it's pouring, or else he'll get soaked. And all the churro villagers and the animals are in their homes anyways, so it's not like he could hang out with anyone. They're probably all using this time to take naps.

And obviously Fire Spirit wouldn't be here.

Good. One less thing to worry about.

Honestly, he might as well be allergic to water. If he comes over it's a life or death situation for him. There's 0 chance that-

His thoughts were cut off as his door was busted open, and in a panic, Wind Archer immediately grabbed his bow and pointed an arrow at the entrance.

"Who's there?! I demand y- oh my fucking tree."

Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Fire Spirit was standing in the doorway, his cape over his head, panting like he just ran a lap around the whole forest. He clutched his staff tightly like it was his soul, putting as much of it under his cloak as possible, and the fiery bead on his staff seemed to have almost lost all color.

"Sorry for intruding, but – oh. Wind Archer..."


Fire Spirit looked down. "Y-Yeah, me ... I'm sorry, I was too far in the forest to head back to the valley ... I-I didn't know this was your house..."

They stared at each other for a while.

"C-Can I come in...?"

"No. Get out of my room. You're not welcome here."

Wind Archer laid back down in his bed with his back towards the door, and squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for the door to close.

It didn't.

Wind Archer groaned in annoyance, and sat up. "I said-"

"P-please...?" Fire Spirit whimpered.

That caught Wind Archer off guard. And now that he has a clear view of him, it was very shocking.

He looked significantly weaker, his fiery hair was not as vibrant and bold as before. His orange hue and glow were very dim now. His eyes, once filled with life and excitement, are now dull. He was shivering: although he tried to cover himself in his cloak, the rain still soaked him quite a bit.

After a while, Wind managed to mutter "...fine, ok..."

"Thank you..." Fire Spirit breathed a sigh of relief, and stepped inside, closing the door behind him.

Wind Archer lit a lantern, and pulled out a chair, which Fire Spirit sat in. He was still shivering, his hands clutched at his arms, making himself as small as possible so he could preserve as much body heat as he could.

Wind Archer sighed, watching Fire Spirit in this pathetic state he's in. Fire Spirit couldn't talk back and even move in this form. But somehow, Wind Archer can't stand seeing him like this more than his usual annoying self.

Wind Archer knelt down in front of Fire Spirit. He reached for Fire Spirit's cloak, but stopped before he touched it.

"May I?" he asked. Fire Spirit looked a bit surprised, but nodded. Wind Archer unhooked his cloak and shoulder plates, hanging them on one of the tree branches sticking into his room. He took his staff and set it gently on the floor, the droplets of water rolling down the side of the bead anchored to the top of it. He then grabbed a towel, and started drying the water on Fire Spirit's arms and face.

"Oh, and take off your clothes. I'll lend you mine for now. I'll turn around while you do that."

Fire Spirit didn't say anything, only slightly nodded, still kind of shocked. Wind Archer sat in a corner, and started reading a scroll that he took from the shelf, while Fire Spirit dried himself, hanging his wet suit next to his cape and shoulder pads.

"Ok... I'm done..." Fire Spirit said as he finished putting on Wind Archer's spare shirt.

"Finally." Wind Archer put the scroll back on the shelf, and looked over Fire Spirit. He definitely looked better than when he had arrived, but he still looked a bit dim and drained.

"...hmm... the shirt doesn't look half bad on you. Although the green really doesn't match your dough color..."

"... I'll take that as a complement." Fire Spirit let out a small, tired laugh.

"Oh, and by the way... you need rest. You can sleep on my bed tonight. I'll do fine on the carpet."

Fire Spirit stared at him, eyes wide.

"Wait, n-no... I can't do that-"

"I insist." Wind Archer scoffed. "Now before I change my mind, you should probably lay down."

Fire Spirit whispered a grateful "thank you", went over to the bed, fluffed the pillow, then laid down, humming contently as he felt how soft it was. Barely minutes in, he was asleep, curled up in a ball, blanket wrapped around him like a crepe.

Meanwhile, Wind Archer took a spare blanket out from a closet, and laid down on the carpet in the middle of the room. It was a bit wet from Fire Spirit standing on it, but for some reason, that almost didn't matter anymore to him. Because all that mattered right now is...

He glanced over at Fire Spirit. He noticed his relaxed expression, and realized that his glow is slowly returning. He looked over at his staff on the floor, which is also beginning to regain its fiery orange hue. Wind Archer sighed, and laid his head back down.

He closed his eyes, falling asleep at last, listening to the rain and Fire Spirit's soft breaths.

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