Chapter 19- Seperated

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When Wind Archer brought Fire Spirit's limp body back to the forest, it was in terrible shape. His injuries only got worse, and so did the giant crack on the bead.

It was still cracked as of now, unfortunately.

And because the bead's core was based solely on fire, Millennial Tree's Miraculous Healing Forest Magic ™ couldn't do much to help the bead, except for sealing it just enough for Fire Spirit to not die. But for now, it is temporarily stationed in Millennial Tree's home (Millie calls it his "nursery"), where it will remain protected until they figure out how to heal it fully.

Millennial Tree didn't spread any rumors this time, thankfully. But he knows that the churro villagers will know about this sooner or later. After all, Fire Spirit was much liked by many of the cookies that reside in the forest...

He wanted to apologize to them. To Fire Spirit. Obviously, that wasn't enough, but that's what he can start with now. He never felt so guilty in his life. He'd hurt an innocent cookie... badly, too.

He sat on Fire Spirit's bed, preparing to replace his bandages as he does every day. He didn't say a word as he worked.

But when he turned to wrap them around Fire Spirit's chest, his movements stopped abruptly. His green eyes met Fire Spirit's orange ones.



"...yep, I'm dreaming." Fire Spirit closed his eyes.

"No, wait, Fire—" It sounded... desperate...?

Fire Spirit opened his eyes again, staring at him.

"I—" Wind Archer looked worried. " I'm sorry..."

Fire Spirit didn't respond.

"I... I know I hurt you... I know there might not be anything I can do to redeem myself, but..." Wind Archer looked down. "...I know you probably hate me... you probably don't want to see me... but please, just tolerate me for now... I promise you'll be able to go back to the valley once you're healed. You'll never have to see me again."

Fire Spirit didn't answer. He just turned over the other way.

Wind Archer reached out to touch him, but then pulled his hand back.

"...Please, Fire. Let me help you..."


"I should've listened to you, Fire. I should've believed you..."

Again, no response.

"... Alright. I'll leave you alone. I'm so sorry..."

Wind Archer stayed on the bed with him for a little longer. It almost felt like he didn't want to leave. Then Fire Spirit felt him get off the bed, his footsteps fading as the door gently closed.


"...Son...? Are you doing ok...?"

There were sobbing noises coming from inside Wind Archer's room.

"G– *hic* go away..."

Millennial Tree, obviously worried, pushed the door open. Wind Archer was sitting on his bed, head resting in his hands. He let out a choked sob as Millennial Tree sat down next to him.

"What happened? Can you tell me...?"

Wind Archer shook his head.

"...Fire Spirit woke up, didn't he...?"

"It... It's all my fault, dad... I'm no better than those fallen spirits of the forest..."

"Oh no... don't think about yourself that way..." Millennial Tree pulled him into his arms. Wind Archer broke and leaned into his dad, bawling as he gripped onto him. Millennial Tree just stroked his hair, doing his best to comfort him.

"Shh... there there, my sweet guardian..." Millennial Tree whispered as he stroked Wind Archer's hair.

After a while, Wind Archer's sobbing died down to a few hics now and then. He pulled away from his father's arms, wiping his tears on his scarf. He looked down, ashamed

After a while of silence, Millennial Tree sighed. "So. I'm guessing it didn't go well..."

Wind Archer continued staring at his hands.

"... he won't ever forgive me... would he?"

Millennial Tree sighed, and reached down to hold Wind Archer's hand. "One day he will. I'm sure of it."

Wind Archer shook his head. Fire Spirit will never forgive him.

"Don't worry, Wind. You just strayed a little, but now you're on the right path again. I'm sure he'll be well again under your care. Just take care of him, for now, until we can find a way to seal the bead."

"...Ok." But Wind Archer knew his father was just saying that to make him feel better.

Close Together Yet Far Apart (Firewind)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz