Chapter 25- Peaches and Cream (2)

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"Wha, WHAT—? HUH??" Fire Spirit was blushing even more than before.

"No no wait, I'm sorry if I got it wrong... but I can't help but notice you hugging the blanket... I should've asked if you wanted a stuffed animal instead..." Wind Archer buried his flustered face in his hands. "Oh Swan, what have I done... Sorry, I thought— maybe asking you if you wanted a plushie was kind of talking down to you or something but this is even worse..."

"...I mean... I've never been hugged before... well, not any time I remember..."

Wind Archer blinked, confused. "Really...?"


Fire Spirit hesitated.

"...maybe... I mean... you... can?" he muttered.

Wind Archer's blush returned. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah! I mean, I just want to know what it feels like...It's fine, it's just this one time, right? It's just for the experience. Not any other reason at all! Haha..."

He laughed nervously, but Wind Archer didn't think to much of it.

"Um, very well then..."

Wind Archer stood in his place for a moment, trying to remember how his father held him all those years ago. It was a long time before, but he remembered some details.

He took a deep breath, and climbed onto the bed awkwardly, with Fire Spirit watching, a bit nervous, as Wind Archer got behind him. He felt tense for some reason.

He let out a soft gasp as he felt the archer press against his back, hands wrapping around his waist.

And although he was warm all the time, this was the first time he felt so much of another body's heat at once. He felt the archer's legs going up to press against him, compressing Fire Spirit into a ball in Wind Archer's gentle hold.

It felt so comfortable. Somehow, Fire Spirit felt secure as he relished the warmth and safety of his embrace. Before this when he slept alone, he always longed for something— someone, to fill in the empty space. And now, he's experiencing it for the first time.

He could feel the guardian's heart faintly beating against his back, and his breath in his wispy hair.

It was heavenly.

Fire Spirit absentmindedly pushed more of himself against Wind Archer, yearning for more of the warmth and comfort. The said guardian wasn't really bothered by that. In fact, this prompted him to hug the little ball of flame tighter.

He heard the fire god let out a soft whimper as they pressed against each other. And they were inseparable at this moment. He never realized that the god of fire could be this small.

Wind Archer considered getting up. After all, Fire Spirit already knows how it feels now. There was no need for him to be here.

But he couldn't get up, no matter how hard he tried. It was like the little spirit was weighing him down, even though Wind Archer could easily carry him.

No matter. He'll just get up when Fire Spirit tells him to. But he found himself wishing that he never does. He wants to be here forever, just holding the little ball of fire close to him. All his negative emotions seemed to vanish in this moment.

He felt the urge to protect him, as he does the Tree. And he felt content as Fire Spirit slowly fell asleep in his arms.

But this is just for the experience, right...? He's just demonstrating what this feels like... right?

He pushed those thoughts away as his drowsiness took over, holding Fire close as he slept too.

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