Chapter 12- My Enemy.

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TW://blood (jam har har har but it will be bloody mmmhmmm)



Wind Archer shot up from his bed when he felt the blistering air around him, his eyes darting about the room.

It was everywhere. And it was spreading quicker.

He immediately rushed outside to warn the others, but the sight stopped him in his tracks, his eyes wide with shock.

It was consuming everything. He could see the churro villagers doing everything they could to put out the fire on the trees surrounding their village, but they just weren't fast enough. It was quick, spreading out in all directions.

Everything was burning red, and sparks of flames were flying through the hot, burning environment.


He spotted his father in the middle of the crowd.

He has no time to ask any questions. He ran over to join them, grabbing a bucket and hauling up water from a vase they had stored for the forest fire that was supposed to take place next week.

Everyone was panicking. Wind Archer could feel the ashes under his feet and hear the screams and shouts of the villagers as he worked to put out as much fire as he could.

The red flames danced wildly in the wind as they worked, licking at houses and trees, and swiftly spreading to consume more surrounding trees. The inferno tore through structures and flora, turning them into nothing but rubble and dust.

But his speed to put out the fire had weakened as he witnessed the situation around him. Clearly, the fire was faster than they could put out; there were no teams, and nothing was structured and organized.

It was chaos.

And it seemed hopeless.

The churro villagers weren't prepared for this. They weren't ready. No one was. The animals haven't been alerted, and they haven't been given enough time to move away from the flames.

Everyone living in the forest is in grave danger. Everyone he worked so hard to protect.

He was stunned, fear invading his mind for the first time in ages as he desperately tried to defend his home against a force of nature, so wild and out of control.

Fear, shock...

...and what can only be described as rage boiling inside him.


Fire Spirit screamed in pain as an arrow was driven into his shoulder.

"Wind Archer... Stop..." he wheezed, hands gripping his precious staff as he was backed into a crack beneath two cliffs. His body was covered in scars, wounded from the hunt and tired from running away for so long.

Wind Archer didn't respond, his face contorted with fury as he notched another arrow towards Fire Spirit. Beads of sweat rolled down his face from the heat of the Valley.

"...You burned down the forest. You broke our deal. So now I'll make sure you perish today, that bead is as good as shattered once I'm done with you."

The arrow released, this time barely missing the bead, which Fire Spirit hardly managed to pull back in time.

"No no no Wind Archer, please-"

"Don't even think about asking for forgiveness. I don't care about what you think. All I know is that you were willing to harm others in order to satisfy your lust for power. I won't change my mind, no matter what."

He raised another arrow, pointed straight at the bead.

"That's all you ever were to me, Fire Spirit. You are just another fallen spirit I need to rid this world of. I should've left you to die that day."

Fire Spirit turned as the arrow flew towards the bead, and yelled in pain again as the arrow pierced his back. He clutched the staff tighter, shielding it with his body. His eyes were shut tightly, tears forming at the corners.

"No... please..." he choked, "It wasn't m-"

"Save it." he growled, hand reaching for another arrow. Fire Spirit braced himself as another arrow was shot into his back, making him cry out as it pierced right through him, almost touching the bead.

"I know it was you. I should've killed you the moment I discovered your weakness. That little gem of yours won't be able to save you once I'm done with it."

Fire Spirit gasped in fear, realizing now that he definitely is aiming for the bead. He clutched the bead close, still shielding it with himself.

"Give up, damned spirit. Stop being so resilient."

Fire Spirit didn't respond.

Wind Archer didn't take this well, and shot him with multiple arrows within seconds. Fire Spirit's noises of pain didn't affect him as he mercilessly shot him over and over again.

"Fine. Then I'll see how long you can hold up until you collapse." He let out an ill-sounding laugh.

It's been so LONG since he saw an enemy perish by his arrows.

Fire Spirit was a mess. His fire was getting weaker as he felt his jam rolling down his back and pooling on the floor. He wasn't sure if he could keep up with this much longer.

"Hurts, doesn't it? This'll do you good in hell." he was about to notch more arrows when a fireball flew right past him. He glanced over in surprise, then glared at Fire Spirit.

"Finally fighting back, are you? Well, this ought to b-"

His sentence was cut off when he felt faint shaking beneath his feet. He looked up just as large boulders were falling, right above him.

He wasn't aiming for me.

He dodged out of the way as a large rock landed where he had previously been standing. He had to retreat out as more and more rocks tumbled down the steep cliffs. He ran as fast as he could as they all began dropping down from the chain reaction.

They almost landed on him a few times, but he was able to make it out in time with everything intact, thanks to his reflex.

And when he looked back, the fallen spirit was gone, leaving him alone in the blistering heat.


Sorry this chapter was a bit short lololol I suck at writing things like this

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