Episode 13: The First Day

Start from the beginning

Luz: I sure can. [Zips open fanny pack.] It's said that humans can't do magic, [Pulls out papers and shows them to both sides of the auditorium.] but I discovered a lost technique that changes everything.

Principal Bump: Hmm?

[Eda gives two thumbs-up from backstage. Luz looks at David, who signaled her to go ahead and try it. Taking a breather, Luz activates the light glyph and lets the ball rise. She moves the ice glyph under the light and activates it. Luz beams and does jazz hands. David did a golf clap.]

Principal Bump    : Spells cast with paper? I've never heard of such a thing. [To himself.] But is it enough to pass the exam you two?

David: We... uhmmm...

Luz: Uhh...

Eda: Improvise.

Luz: Um, I can do other things, what about... this? [Stands, flips eyelids inside out.] Bleep, bloop, bleep!

David: Oh wait. What about this? [Pulls out a wolf mask and claws. Howling and growling.] Run for your life, humans or I'll eat your flesh!

[Principal Bump is not impressed.]

David: Oh come on, I did the best performance ever, right Luz?

Luz: Ow, ow! Eyelash! Eyelash!

[Luz slips on the melted ice pillar. David tries to grab her, but falls into her abandoned cloak. Both Luz and David stands and tries to free themselves, falling off the stage and onto Principal Bump. They rolls off him.]

David: Oh no!

Luz: Sorry, sorry, sorry! [Places hand on an ice glyph.] Whoops! Ah!

David: Luz, stop!

[The ice pillar lifts them up by one foot until their eyes level with Principal Bump.]

Luz: We failed, didn't we?

David: I'm afraid so.

Principal Bump: Believe it or not, I've seen worse.

[Luz falls on her face and David falls back on to the floor.]

Luz: [Weakly.] Hurray.

David: [Weakly.] Yeah.

[Cut to Eda, David and Luz flying on Eda's staff. Luz is wearing a Hexside uniform, though the normal uniform parts are in a lighter gray than most and her sleeves and leggings are white. David is also wearing a Hexside uniform, except his is a dark silver with his sleeves light blue and his leggings is gray.]

David: [Scratching his back.] Man, who knew these uniform can make your back itch.

Luz: Mmm, we gotta go back. This was a mistake! I'm gonna mess things up again and everyone will see, and—

David: Chill out Luz, this is something we all need. A school where we can be a witch or a wizard. This is like going into one of those fantasy books. Plus, this is our first day of going to an actual magic school for real.

Eda: David's right, you gotta calm down. What are you nervous about? You've been to school before.

David: Yeah accept we have to sit in a class and listen to the teachers talking about algebra and quantum physics. Ugh, the irony of education for the future.

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