19:✯It all end now✰ (final)

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Their ominous presence cast a shadow over the land, and a sense of unease settled in the pit of my stomach. But I pushed the fear aside, focusing on the task at hand.

The battle commenced with a clash of sorcery and weapons. Incantations were uttered, swords clashed, and arrows soared through the air. The sound of war cries and the scent of blood permeated the atmosphere. It was utter chaos, but amidst the chaos, we fought with a purpose.

I unleashed my dark magic, tapping into the depths of my inner darkness. It surged through my veins, empowering me with an unprecedented energy. However, as I fought, I could sense the darkness tugging at the corners of my mind, attempting to seize control.

I resisted, pushing back against the darkness with every ounce of my willpower. I understood that surrendering to the darkness would mean losing myself, and that was not an option. I had to remain focused, stay in control.

Beside me, Lucas fought with a determination that matched my own. His powers were different, yet equally potent. Together, we formed a formidable force, striking down our adversaries with precision and skill.

The battle raged on, and victory seemed within our grasp. However, Astaroth, Marikah, and Asher were not easily vanquished. They fought back with a ferocity that matched our own, pushing us to our limits.

Amidst the chaos, I caught sight of Ezra, his powers manifesting in dazzling bursts of light. He fought with a grace and strength that inspired awe. It was evident that he had embraced his destiny, and his presence instilled renewed hope in all of us.

As the battle reached its climax, I could feel the darkness within me growing stronger. It whispered in my ear, tempting me to succumb, to let it consume me. Yet, I refused to yield. I channeled every ounce of my energy into one final attack, unleashing a surge of dark magic that engulfed our enemies.

The blast was formidable, and for a moment, the battlefield fell silent. The dust settled, revealing the defeated forms of Astaroth, Marikah, and Asher. We had emerged triumphant. We had emerged as victors.

Exhausted, I collapsed onto the ground.

"Makayla," Lucas exclaimed, rushing towards me. "Makayla, are you..." His voice trailed off, fear evident in his eyes.

I looked up at Lucas, my face etched with confusion. "What's wrong?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper.

Lucas knelt beside me, his hands trembling as he reached out to touch my face. "Your eyes," he said, his voice filled with concern. "They're... they're completely consumed by darkness."

The others regarded me with fear in their eyes, not the fear that they were afraid of me, but the fear of what would transpire next.

I blinked, panic surging through me. I had sensed the growing strength of the darkness within me during the battle, but I had fought against it. I had believed I had triumphed, that I had kept it at bay. Yet now, as I gazed into Lucas' eyes, I realized that the darkness had taken hold.

"No," I whispered, desperation lacing my voice. "I cannot... I will not allow it to consume me."

Lucas grasped my hands, his grip firm and unwavering. "Fight it, Makayla," he urged, determination resonating in his voice. "Do not let it gain control over you."

Lucas held my hand, tears streaming down his cheeks. I exerted every ounce of effort to resist the darkness from overtaking me, but I grew weak. The moment I relinquished my resistance, that was when I lost myself, the darkness clouding my mind and causing me to turn against my friends.

And I could feel it permeating every fiber of my being. My thoughts became distorted, my actions driven by a malevolent force. The darkness had emerged victorious.

I watched in horror as my body moved of its own accord, attacking my friends and allies. I witnessed the fear and sorrow in their eyes as they fought against me, desperately attempting to bring me back. However, the darkness had consumed me, and I was no longer myself.

I lunged at Mia, but Asher intervened, pushing her away, and we both tumbled to the ground.

"Oh, look, you do possess a heart," I taunted.

"I chose the wrong side, attempting to prove my power, but you, Makayla, you can resist this," Asher declared. "You are powerful." He then whispered to Lucas, "I know how to assist her, but I must get closer to her, and her emotions must be vulnerable."

"How can we trust you after everything you've done?" Ezra questioned Asher.

"Just trust me, please," Asher implored.

Lucas, tears streaming down his face, stood before me, his sword raised in defense. "I will never give up on you, Makayla," he declared, his voice filled with determination. "I know you are still in there. Fight it! You've come this far, even through the darkest of times. You have made me believe in myself, and most importantly, you have shown me that I am capable of being loved." Lucas's voice cracked as tears cascaded down his cheeks.

"Makayla, from the moment I laid eyes on you, I sensed a connection. Not just any connection, but one driven by friendship, love, and care," Ezra expressed.

"You changed Yasmin and me the instant you arrived in the land of Regardina," Mia added, with Yasmin nodding in agreement.

"You taught Enzo and me that, regardless of who we are or what we do, we will always be family and be there for one another," Lunar chimed in.

Their words pierced through the darkness, reaching a small fragment of my consciousness. I felt a flicker of something, a spark of resistance. With every ounce of strength remaining within me, I fought against the darkness, pushing it back, clawing my way back to the surface.

Gradually, the darkness began to recede. My body trembled, weakened by the internal battle. Yet, I was still me. I was still Makayla.

I fell to my knees, gasping for breath, tears streaming down my face. Lucas rushed to my side, embracing me tightly, his arms a lifeline in the aftermath of the darkness. The others gathered around, their expressions a mixture of relief and concern.

"We thought we had lost you," Ezra uttered, his voice filled with emotion.

"But you didn't," I replied, my voice hoarse. "You saved me."

Lucas squeezed my hand, his eyes brimming with love and determination. "We will always be here for you, Makayla," he whispered softly. "No matter what." Lucas leaned in and kissed me.

In that moment, we saved Regardina, me, and the world simultaneously.

✰(The End)✰


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