12: ✰The loved one✰

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We decided to find out how the wendigos broke through the barrier and entered Regardina.

As we were walking through the forest, I couldn't help but ask questions.

"So how was the barrier created, is it some sort of ancient spell? I asked?

"Lucas chuckled softly before answering. "No, it's not an ancient spell," he explained. "The barrier around Regardina was actually created by a powerful group of witches and sorcerers who gave up their lives to protect the Regardina from threats.

Curiosity piqued, I pressed further. "But how does the barrier work? And how did the wendigos manage to break through it?"

Lucas paused for a moment, scanning the surroundings as if looking for any signs of danger. "The barrier is made up of an intricate combination of magical energy, natural elements, and the lives of three powerful witches and three powerful sorcerers that form a magical crystal that created the barrier.

"Wait they had to die. So that a crystal will create the barrier?

"Yeah," Asher added as we walked deeper into the woods.

"Each of the six sacrificed their lives willingly, knowing that their deaths would be necessary to protect Regardina. Their combined magic and life force were channeled into the crystal, which created the impenetrable barrier."

I couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and sadness at the sacrifice these powerful individuals had made. "But how did the wendigos manage to break through such a powerful barrier?"

Lucas sighed, his expression growing serious. "That's what we're trying to figure out. Wendigos are incredibly powerful and cunning creatures. They might have found a way to weaken the barrier, or perhaps Astaroth and Marikah found a way to weaken the barrier, to let their minions in."

We arrived where the crystal was, and I couldn't believe how beautiful it was.

The crystal shimmered with a dazzling array of colors, reflecting the sunlight filtering through the dense canopy above. It was suspended in midair, held in place by an unseen force. As we approached, I couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence and awe.

"It's beautiful," I said.

"I know right." Asher said.

Lucas nodded, his eyes fixed on the crystal. "It's not just beautiful, it's incredibly powerful. This crystal is the heart of the barrier, containing the combined magic and life force of the six sacrificed individuals. It's what keeps Regardina safe."

"But if the wendigos managed to break through, does that mean the crystal is damaged?" I asked, my voice filled with concern.

Lucas shook his head. "No, the crystal itself is still intact. But we believe that the wendigos found a way to weaken the barrier from the outside. They must have discovered some sort of loophole or vulnerability that allowed them to bypass the crystal's power. We just need to figure out how."

Asher stepped forward, his eyes fixed on the crystal. "We need to find a way to strengthen the barrier, to make sure this never happens again. We can't let Regardina fall into the hands of those creatures."

Lucas nodded in agreement. "Exactly. That's why we're here, to investigate and find a solution. We won't rest until we've uncovered the truth and restored the barrier to its full strength."

"We should split up and look for clues as to how the wendigos got through the barrier, Asher, Liam you both go together, Yasmin, Lucas, Enzo, lunar, Ezra and I annnnnnnnnd Makayla I'm sorry, but you have to go yourself. We'll meet back here." Mia said.

"Oh, okay." I said and walked in the direction I was going to take.

As I was walking, looking for clues. I discovered a cave which led me right toward the underneath of where the crystal was and carved on the walls were ancient symbols and spells. The cave definitely felt like dark magic surrounded it.

I cautiously approached the cave, my heart pounding with a mix of excitement and trepidation. The ancient symbols etched onto the walls seemed to pulsate with a dark energy, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. I knew I had stumbled upon something significant, something that could potentially hold the key to how the wendigos broke through the barrier.

I carefully examined the symbols, trying to decipher their meaning. They were unlike anything I had ever seen before, a combination of intricate lines and curves that seemed to twist and writhe on the stone surface. It was clear that these symbols were of a powerful and ancient language, one that held the secrets of dark magic.

As I studied the symbols, a faint whispering sound filled the air, sending shivers down my spine. It was as if the cave itself was alive, whispering secrets and warnings to anyone who dared to enter. But I couldn't turn back now, not when I was so close to uncovering the truth.

I traced my fingers along the symbols, feeling a tingling sensation as I made contact with the ancient magic. Suddenly, the symbols began to glow, casting an eerie light that illuminated the cave. The whispering grew louder, and I could almost make out words, as if someone or something was trying to communicate with me.

With a surge of determination, I focused my energy and tapped into my magic. I channeled it into the symbols, hoping to unlock their secrets. As I did, the cave trembled, and the ground beneath me shook. I could feel the presence of something powerful awakening, and I knew that I was on the right track.

As the symbols glowed brighter, a surge of knowledge flooded my mind. I saw glimpses of a ritual, a dark ceremony performed by Astaroth and Marikah, the leaders of the wendigos. They had discovered a way to weaken the barrier, using a forbidden spell that tapped into the life force of innocent creatures. It was through this twisted magic that they were able to create a crack in the barrier, allowing the wendigos to slip through. But I found out more than that, I discovered that we had a betrayer among us in the land of Regardina.

As I was making my way out of the cave, six light shadows appeared in front of me, causing me to squint my eyes.
Then a voice said, "We are the chosen six who sacrificed our lives for the future of Regardina." The light slowly dimmed, and I could see their faces, one of them was the man I saw with lunar's little version when I was still processing my abilities.

"Hello Makayla." He said.

".......... Umm, hi." I said in an awkward voice.

"The power of the crystal is dying. And so, as my fellow brothers and sisters, we're fading away. The crystal is the only thing that is keeping us attached to Regardina to protect it. And you and your friends must save the crystal. There's an ancient symbols carved on each tree, where we the chosen ones died. Once you find it, there will be ancient spells on the back of the symbols. Form a circle around the crystal once you find all the symbols. But I have to warn you, there must be a sacrifice made by someone you love dearly."

After that, the spirits disappeared and I went to tell what I found out.

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