13:✰Love and death✰

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I rushed back to the meeting point, eager to share the information I had uncovered in the cave. As I arrived, I found Lucas, Asher, and the others waiting anxiously.

"Makayla, what did you find?" Lucas asked, his eyes filled with anticipation.

Taking a deep breath, I began to explain everything I had discovered, from the dark magic symbols to the forbidden spell used by Astaroth and Marikah. I told them about the crack in the barrier and the betrayal among us. And finally, I revealed the message from the spirits of the six sacrificed individuals.

"We need to find these symbols carved on the trees and uncover the ancient spells," I said, my voice filled with determination. "Once we have all the symbols, we must form a circle around the crystal and perform the necessary rituals to strengthen the barrier. But we must also be prepared for the sacrifice that needs to be made."

The group fell into a solemn silence, absorbing the weight of the task at hand. It was clear that this mission would not only require physical strength and magic, but also emotional courage.

"We will find these symbols, and we will save Regardina," Asher said, his voice unwavering. "We won't let the sacrifices of those six individuals be in vain. We will protect the land of Regardina."

With renewed determination, we set out into the forest, searching for the trees with the ancient symbols. Each symbol we found brought us closer to restoring the barrier and defeating the wendigos. But with every step, we also felt the weight of the impending sacrifice, knowing that one of us would have to make the ultimate sacrifice for the greater good.

"Hey Makayla, may I ask you something? Liam said.

"Sure what's up."

Liam hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Do you think... do you think any of us would be willing to make that sacrifice? To give up their life for the sake of Regarding?"

I looked at Liam, seeing the fear and uncertainty in his eyes. It was a question that had been lingering in all of our minds, but no one had dared to voice it until now.

"I think," I began, my voice steady but filled with empathy, "that each one of us would be willing to make that sacrifice if it came down to it. We all understand the importance of saving Regardina and the lives of its people. But let's not dwell on that possibility just yet. Let's focus on finding the symbols and completing the rituals. We will cross that bridge when we come to it."

Liam nodded, his expression a mix of determination and unease. "You're right, Makayla. We can't let fear consume us. We have a mission to accomplish, and we will do whatever it takes to succeed."

We spent that whole day searching for the symbols.

As the sun began to set, we had found all but one of the symbols. Exhausted and weary, we decided to head back to the institute and resume our search in the morning.

We arrived at the dorms and I went straight to my room to take a warm shower. I couldn't help but wonder to myself, who would be the chosen one to give up their life.

I was so in my head I didn't even hear the knocks on my door. But when I heard Lucas call my name, I snapped out of my thoughts and quickly opened the door.

"Lucas, what's wrong?" I asked, noticing the worry etched on his face.

"Thank goodness, I thought something happened to you, Makayla." Lucas let out a sigh of relief. "With the barrier still weak, anything or anyone and come through."

"Lucas, I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me. How's your arm? I asked.

"It's healing, Makayla, I need you to promise me something.

"What is it, Lucas?" I asked, concern filling my voice.

"Promise me that if it comes down to it, if we have to make that sacrifice, you won't volunteer yourself," Lucas said, his eyes pleading. "You're too important to all of us, Makayla. We can't lose you."

I felt a lump form in my throat as I looked into Lucas' eyes, realizing the depth of his worry and care for me. I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before responding.

"Lucas, you know that's not our decision to make. The spirit will chose who they believe is ready to give their lives up."

"Makayla, I have feelings for you, and the thought of losing you is killing me. I was always the odd always compared with Ezra and the other because I have dark powers. But you make me feel like I belong here." Lucas said while taking a step towards me.

Butterflies filled my stomach as I looked up at him.

"Makayla..... I hate you for making me fall in love with you." Lucas said while holding my chin.

A few minutes, we both stood still staring into each other's eyes, faces inches apart. "I love you Makayla, and if I happen to be chosen by the spirits to die, I'd do it to protect you, Regardina, and our friends.

Lucas slowly leaning in to kiss me and I couldn't wait any longer. I pulled him and kissed him. With all the passion and love I had for him. Our lips met, igniting a fire within us that had been burning for so long. The world around us faded away as we lost ourselves in the intensity of the moment.

His hands gently cradled my face, his touch sending shivers down my spine. I could feel the depth of his emotions in every kiss, every caress. It was a beautiful and bittersweet moment, knowing that our love might be tested in the face of danger.

But at that moment, all that mattered was the love we shared and the strength we drew from each other. Time seemed to stand still as we poured our hearts into that kiss, savoring every second as if it were our last.

As we finally pulled away, our foreheads rested against each other's, our breaths mingling in the air. I could see the determination in his eyes, the unwavering commitment to protect those he loved. And I knew that I felt the same way.

"I love you too, Lucas," I whispered, my voice filled with both vulnerability and determination. "And I promise you, we'll face whatever comes our way together."

He smiled, a mixture of relief and adoration shining in his eyes. "Together," he repeated, his voice filled with conviction.

At that moment, we knew that our love was not just a fleeting romance, but a bond that could withstand any obstacle. We were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that our love would guide us through the darkest of times. And as we held each other tightly, we knew that we were stronger together than we could ever be apart.

"You should get some sleep, we have a lot of searching to do tomorrow." Lucas said sarcastically and gave me one last kiss on the forehead before leaving.

"Lucas before you go, what about the betrayer what a we going to do about it."

"I told the elders about it and their going to bring in mind readers to read the people of Regardina's mind.their very powerful mind readers so if will be hard for anyone to hide their mind.

"Oh okay,but that person has dark magic so dose that mean that they'll only mind read supernatural's that have dark powers?

"Yeah, but just to be on the safe side they'll also mind read the whole of Regardina's supernatural beings.

"Oh okay, that's good." I said while smiling.

"Okay get some rest now." Lucas said as we

As I lay in bed, my mind filled with thoughts of the symbols, the rituals, and the sacrifices that lay ahead. But amidst all the uncertainty, one thing was clear — love would be our guiding light in the darkness. And with that thought, I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

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