2. ✰Uncharted Beginning✰

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➩(Lunar, Makayla's best friend that lives in another state)

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➩(Lunar, Makayla's best friend that lives in another state)

➩(Lunar, Makayla's best friend that lives in another state)

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➩(Enzo, the brother of lunar)

I quickly tried to compose myself, rubbing my eyes and shaking off the strange sensation. I didn't want my parents to see me like this, especially not with glowing blue eyes. I took a deep breath and walked downstairs, trying to act as normal as possible.

"Hey sweetie, how was your day?" my mom asked as I entered the kitchen.

"It was fine, just a bit tired," I replied, forcing a smile.

My dad, noticing my off demeanor, looked at me concerned. "You sure you're okay, Makayla? You look a bit pale."

"Yeah, I'm just not feeling too well. I think I'll go lie down for a bit," I said, wanting to escape to the safety of my room.

Upstairs, I closed and locked my bedroom door, feeling a mix of fear and confusion. What was happening to me? I couldn't explain the strange dreams, the encounters with the man and the little girl, or the sudden changes in my eyes. It was like something supernatural was taking hold of me.

I decided to do some research. I opened my laptop and began searching for any information on strange dreams, glowing eyes, and mysterious encounters. I sifted through countless articles and forums, but the information was scarce, and the few leads I found seemed unrelated.

Frustrated, I closed my laptop and stared again at the ribbon I had found earlier. It felt like a clue, a connection to everything that was happening. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something significant about it, something that held the answers I desperately sought.

The sound of my bedroom door creaking open instantly snapped me out of my thoughts. My heart raced as I turned around to see who had entered my room, but to my surprise, it was mom checking in on me.

"Are you sure you're okay, darling? My mom said in a concerning voice.

As much as I wanted to tell her everything that had happened I couldn't, "yeah I'm hundred percent sure mom" I said.

Legacy of legends:Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora