They all make their way towards the back bench and stand on top of it, except Chloe.

"Wait just one minute! I'm supposed to be in the middle row, right next to Adrien. Preferably the center. Look, we're the same size!" She says, grabbing Adrien as she compares their heights.

They were definitely not the same height.

"Nah, go stand in the back row, behind the rest." The photographer says nonchalantly.

"How dare you, put me behind the rest? Do you know who my father is?" whines Chloe as she tries to threaten the photographer.

"Is he a photographer?" he asks.

"NO! He's-"

"Bummer, I could really use an assistant. Now hurry up and take your place, or I'll put you up front with the babies!" He threatens, pretending to rub his eyes like a baby.

Can we get this dude a raise?

Chloe growls in anger as she finally walks to her spot.

"The rest of you, go stand in the middle row." He says, pointing to the remaining boys and i.

"Wait just me?"

I stop in my tracks and turn back around, seeing Juleka stand in place as she fiddles with her ring bracelet.

"Perfect! You guys are awesome! Now stop squirming and let's get this photo shot!" Says the photographer as he readies his camera.

"Uh, excuse me sir, you forgot Juleka." i call out, softly grabbing Juleka's hand as i pull her towards the photoshoot.

"Huh? Ah sorry, my bad! You two, go stand in the middle row, next to that blonde haired boy." He says, pointing to Adrien in the middle.

The boys make space for Juleka and I.

We take our spots front and center of the camera but as i smile for the camera i can't help but step closer to Juleka, my left arm cautiously wrapping around Juleka's waist.

"This is just to make sure nothing happens..." i tell myself.

I try not to look at her, suddenly feeling shy at possible rejection.

But that's when Juleka leans into me, her right hand coming down and placing it on the hand holding her waist.

My cheeks burn as i try to keep my composure.

We definitely look like a couple to this dude.

That's what i was thinking anyways until the photographer grumbles, "No, this isn't right! Something's not working here!"

My eyebrow twitches in annoyance.

"Uhh, course it's not working! I'm in the wrong spot!'' complains Chloe.

He just ignores her and points to Ivan, "You, move over here will ya? Lets see..."

The photographer places Ivan in a bunch of spots but it's never right, i gave up on smiling awhile ago. My arm, begrudgingly, falls off from Juleka's waist as i don't want to make her uncomfortable when waiting for this guy to be satisfied.

I expected her to lean away from me now but she stays in place, in fact she presses even closer to me than before, my heart skips a beat in realization.

Too lost in my thoughts, I almost forgot where we were until the photographer spoke, "It doesn't matter where I put him, it throws the whole picture out of whack!" he complains.

"Damn, saying that right in his face."

Chloe groans again, "My spot is unacceptable!" she whines before trying to push Juleka out of the way.

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