The Devil's Toys

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At the Outpost

Whereas the Chief and his team were out retrieving friendlies, the Counters were busy with the rather intricately continuous and rather sisyphean task of completing paperwork for the Outpost to properly function. The Commander's room was metaphorically covered wall-to-wall with the various requisition forms, building permits and inquiries they needed to send over to the Central Government's military supply clerks to properly upgrade the Outpost. Of course, good Alyosha had known that Rapi would be left alone to work on paperwork due to Neon's disposition toward the weapons forms and Anis's disposition to... Do nothing, basically.

Thus, the good Commander flexed and moved his right leg, which was covered by an exoskeleton due to some injuries sustained in the hunt for Chatterbox, while writing some of the paperwork Rapi would have otherwise had to do alone. While he had wanted to relieve some of the stress off of his executive officer and second-in-command, he had still needed a hand from her regarding some of the harder forms.

Neon, meanwhile, was obviously still rather focused on the equipment. Ranging from ammunition requisition forms to spare parts for their guns, Rapi had had to make sure Neon didn't 'mistakenly' order weapons that weren't within the Outpost's budget, namely way too powerful defense cannons or the likes. Much to the chagrin of the Firepower Connoisseur, one might add.

Anis, meanwhile, simply 'supervised' (Codeword for:Wasn't really doing anything) from the couch with a soda in hand. In truth, the good old Tetra Nikke figured she wasn't going to do anything but annoy the everloving hell out of both Rapi and the Commander by complaining, so they all agreed that she should just stick back for now and enjoy a can of sweet, sweet carbonated goodness in the background.

She swirled the contents of the can around, looking at them, then asked with a little disregard, "So... Did we think where we're gonna house all the possible newcomers, considering Chief told us he spotted dozens of IFFs before he left?" which caused all three of the Counters members to turn toward her. The Commander, in all his wisdom, gave a nod.

"I was considering the newly-built Hotel, seeing as it rarely has any customers..." He replied, scratching his cheek.

Rapi shook her head, "Not certain that's a good idea, Commander. The place might be unoccupied for a reason we don't know yet."

"I'll check it out later," He sighed, rubbing his eyes, "Otherwise, I can ask Mighty Tools to build a new barracks somewhere nearby the Command Center, but I'm not sure how much it'd help if we don't have exact numbers..." and he turned to Rapi. The young woman nodded and pulled out a com device to send a ping to Liter about it. She and Centi could potentially handle it. Alyosha, meanwhile, had to admit to himself he was a little excited to get some support, finally. And it was probably showing.

Neon quipped, "You certainly seem a little excited, Master."

"And a little cautious," Added Rapi, "Worried?"

"I'm mostly thinking what I'm going to ask the Chief's friends. Taking into account they've fought a war fairly like our own, sans the whole space factor, against a technologically advanced and genocidal enemy, I wanna ask them for pointers. Ways to adapt our tactics so our units could best survive the Raptures and so we could provide multiple victories against them to the Ark..." He admitted, scratching the back of his head, "But I think I'll figure something out."

Rapi tapped her chin, then offered, "Could be a good idea to write a list of questions during your free time."

"Yeah," He nodded, then smiled, "Thanks, Rapi..." to which the girl replied with a silently-mouthed 'you're welcome' while averting her gaze and trying to focus on her work. Anis and Neon both grinned at one-another knowingly, before both turned back to doing work, or lazing around in Anis's case. Continuing their work meant more writing and the likes.

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