Readiness Check

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Ongoing tensions in the Ark were rising almost palpably, to the point even the Outer Rim started feeling the changing winds. In the slums and darkness of the place beyond the guarding influence of the Central Government, where children could be anything from the death of a person to objects utilized by gangs and terror groups, the Ark's peacekeeping patrols were much more scarce than originally let on.

However, in the Outer Rim, there was also a sense of community for the disenfranchised. The people who were stuck behind the Ark's gleaming walls and stood gawking at their ivory towers at first now glared with fury and hatred at the people who've denied them their place. All it took to get into the Ark was a specialized ID Chip, which acted as everything from a person's card that told of their existence to a personal wallet. They were hard to obtain. Harder still to fake and implant. Especially with the lack of medical care in the place.

It was why, when the winds began to shift in the Ark, the place felt it. It was why, when the first unknowns started walking the streets, the first uniformed male and female soldiers that weren't Nikkes, Exotic had noticed. Exotic, the squad of terrorists, punished to be Missilis's personal Nikkes, had noticed the arrival of the newer folks here. The 'Green Folk' as they were called by the duct rats and spies they had around.

A black-haired Nikke stood atop the roof of a shanty building, a pocky stick between her lips that she chewed on. She ran a hand through her oily, short hair, pushing strands out of her strangely green eyes, then arranged her bra, jacket and skirt. Hidden below the jacket, in specialized holsters were two make shift SMGs. It was with those, she intended to fight anyone stepping foot on their soil if they came with ill intent toward her people and toward Heavenly Ascension.

It was from this rooftop that she was watching a platoon of soldiers clad in black, fully sealed armor sets creeping forward with silenced guns in hand. They moved past patrols of Nikke meant to keep HA in check. They were one of several groups of Green Folk. Another was moving up to meet them right now, after Viper, one of her lapdogs, had intercepted a coded radio message.

Crow, one of the most dangerous Nikkes ever put into Missilis's care, stared at the approach. Leading the other group of Green Folk was a man clad in similar armor to the rest. She also noted the first group was way more heavily armored than the first. At least, so it looked. Six people, armed and armored almost like they were Nikkes. As they pushed forward, the two groups met in the middle...

... And to say the man leading the first group was surprised would be an understatement. Gunnery Sergeant Edward Buck lowered his MA5 as he stared the young man before him in the visor, then took his own helmet off and spoke, "Rookie..." which garnered a gasp of surprise out of the usually strong, but silent type soldier. Rookie took his own helmet off, revealing the smiling face of the man in all of its wounded glory.

"Holy shit," Kojo Agu, callsign Romeo, spoke, poking his head out from behind the others, "Heya, Rookie..."

"Romeo," Rookie nodded, "I still owe you for donking me in the face with your rifle..." before looking at the rest of the team. He smiled and motioned for them to follow, "C'mon. We've set up a safe house nearby where you guys can rest. Can't believe you appeared so close to us, though..." and he and his Marines moved forward. Rookie put his helmet on as he lead the group into the safe house.

... Where the four men all took their helmets off, revealing they had, in fact, aged. They all greeted Rookie with a smile, while the women, Dare and another that Rookie didn't recognize, remained in the rear, watching the exchange. Mickey breathed, then smiled and said, "It's good to see you, Jon Doe," with a smirk. He bumped Rookie on the shoulder, while Dutch nodded approvingly.

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