Gear Fear

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Chief sighed as he slid behind a berm for cover. A flurry of weapons fire rained down on them from the cannons mounted onto whatever was underneath, or controlling, the base's defense perimeter. He watched Alyosha do the same, while Sam and Will tried to engage the enemy's incoming missiles with their rifles. Thankfully for them and anyone else sitting close by, they were slow moving.

Alyosha commented, "We're gonna have to find a way to breach its armor quick! This damn thing's uparmored to hell!" only to call out via communications, "Rusty, I'm sorry I have to ask you this, but strafe the bastard and take its attention to you! Anis, get missiles on the defensive walls and turrets! Neon, load up AP Slugs and start tearing through the walls with them! Rapi, you get your missile launcher out as well!"

Affirmative replies flooded the com, while Chief ordered, "All Lucky elements, assist as best as you can. Delta, spot and snipe weaknesses. Signal, stay close to her and make sure to keep us in radio contact. Pinne, Sam, you two are our vanguard, I want explosive shells on the walls, back up Spartan 034 and 043!" as he stood to his feet and fired a burst of MG fire at incoming physical projectiles.

Missiles started flying from the crews who carried them, Rapi and Anis laying into the forward walls. The Nikke-grade munitions punctured the concrete walls of the forward operations base as a Marine rushed forward with a rocket launcher. She took a knee beside the Chief, shouldered the weapon and squeezed off both rockets. They cratered the walls, lowering the stability of the place.

She was forced to dip back into cover to reload, telling the Chief, "Sir, I'm gonna be honest, I didn't expect to be fighting it out with aliens again!" which garnered a short snort out of Cortana. The other Marines joined up as well, pushing forward with battle and assault rifles and opening fire on the missiles launched by the base. The damn things moved terribly slow for something that was meant to hit and take them out.

Chief nodded, patted the Marine in charge of the platoon on the back, then gave several hand signals. The Marine officer nodded, then called back to his men, "I need two men on the right flank, two mobile, and the rest at the front! Stagger your positions in cover and keep the Nikkes safe! We'll beat this piece of shit yet!" only to stagger as the ground shook once more, annoyingly enough.

The man sighed and ordered, "Execute!" As he saw Rusty dive down on the base's defenses, laying into them with her own weapons. Her energy sword seemed to be quite capable of cutting through the reinforced concrete. The Marines moved to their respective positions, firing their Assault Rifles at the overtaken base, with one of them murmuring something or other.

The launcher Marine stood to her feet and fired two more rockets dead at the center of the base. They detonated and seemed to shatter the upper control area of the base. The walls beside it began to crack as the plasma cannons and defenses tracked the moving Nikkes and Marines and fired. Rapi and Anis, both of whom were advancing, narrowly found cover as the bursts of energy hit.

Alyosha, who was watching the action unfold, felt his breath hitch in his throat, feeling completely useless. He looked to the rear at the scientists that were taking cover behind a wall and wondered just how much more useful he'd be with an actual combat armor set and a weapon. Before long, though, the young man noticed the bolt of energy heading toward him. Luckily for him, so did the Chief.

The leading Spartan moved in front of Alyosha and took the brunt of the shot. Cortana barked over radio, "Damn, Chief! Armor is at thirty-five percent integrity! Take cover and stay there!" as the Chief dragged his fellow Commander into cover. He stood back up and fired a burst from his rifle, then looked to Alyosha and gave him a nod. They'd be fine with the Spartans around. Maybe.

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