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Six sighed.

Despite the rather lavish and large interiors of the settlement of Eden, the Spartan felt claustrophobic. Partly, due to his experience in New Alexandria and partly due to the fact his memories of home tended to swing back whenever he visited a city. The technologically-advanced Eden, though, was certainly something else. Vaulted ceilings made of reinforced glass that showed the blue sky, the holographic displays lining the walls and even some of the pillars and the vibrant life in the city.

Some of the people, the Spartan noted, were augmented. Their bodies had been modified with bionics hidden underneath their clothing. Others were mere humans. Others yet seemed to be highly-advanced 'Nikkes', the cyborg supersoldiers that provided the military arm of humanity in this strange world per Isabel and Harran's own sayings. Speaking of the two, Harran led Six through the place, while a meek Isabel walked behind him, fiddling with her thumbs, her wings retracted.

The black-haired, red-eyed beauty seemed to be scanning the Spartan, examining him from head to toe, the healthy flush on her cheeks visible. Harran leaned back and whispered to Six, "You actually broke her. Nice work..." making the Spartan double over. He didn't know what he'd apparently managed to do to a soldier that was supposed to be on par with, or stronger than him.

"How?" He asked, "From what you two told me on the way to under the optical camo net, Nikkes are supposed to be supersoldier machines. Especially you Edenites."

Harran smirked, "Ingenuity, Six. You managed to ambush the predator and take her out of the sky, turn her into your prey. You can imagine how that did her in," before they took a right down one hallway, to the salutes of a squad of MP Nikkes standing guard. The group entered what seemed to be the laboratory section of Eden, where science staff in intricate labcoats worked on upgrades, modifications and gear changes.

A young-looking woman with silver hair arranged a strange com piece on her left ear as she looked over a set of experimental items. She hummed, nodded her approval, then tapped in the information on her advanced tablet, before turning about as she heard the footsteps. The scientist's blue eyes locked onto the Spartan and she whistled, "How very interesting. Your communique wasn't lying, Harran."

"I never lie, Cecil," The woman replied, leaning her scythe on her shoulder as to emphasize a point, "Where's the Commander?"

"Should be coming here within the next ten minutes..." The woman said as she approached the Spartan and examined his weapon. She murmured, "Titanium plating. Carbon scoring, probable plasma damage," and then she stopped in front of him, "Visor cracked. Seems like thick reinforced glass. Probably multiple plasma blasts to the helmet..." before she switched to her inquisitive, if slightly louder voice, "You certainly aren't any normal human, are you? No normal human soldier was ever this armed during the First Invasion. Are you modified? And what is this Armor?"

"Classified... Ma'am..." The Spartan replied, wary. Eggheads worried him.

"Understandable, I suppose," She nodded, then looked over to Isabel. Upon noticing the state the girl was in, she snorted and said, "Even that part was accurate, huh. You really turned Isabel a little more docile than normal..." before both heard the girl balk, ready to protest. Six turned toward her and she immediately turned meek again, which made both the Scientist and Harran snort. With a light chuckle, the woman extended her hand to him and said, "My name is Cecil. I'm the head researcher of Eden and I built the Nikkes you see around you."

"Noble Six, ma'am," The Spartan nodded and shook her hand, "... Should've not built her so weird," and he tilted his head toward Isabel.

Cecil let out another short laugh and stated, "That one isn't my fault. Her brain came with it," before turning back to her work, "Commander Johan should be here soon. Until then, feel free to look around. Any new member of Inherit needs to know where their equipment and weapons will be modified and tended to."

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