Snowy Landscapes

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"I've sent a ping to most of the other IFFS through a back-channel in the comms relays on the surface," Cortana told John as they worked through the paperwork necessary for the functions of their Outpost, "Gave them a nice RV area close to the Outpost. Considering they dropped to within twenty kilometers. I also told most of them to keep themselves to the shadows, just so that they don't start fighting the Raptures alone."

"Thanks," Chief replied as he signed another requisition form and set it aside. He then asked, "Sergeant Johnson's platoon is doing alright, I hope?" while looking through a requisition form for 'personal amenities' in the form of cigars and various alcoholic drinks. He sighed deeply, then, with a somewhat heavy heart, stamped the 'DENIED' stamp on it, with a side not of making it temporary.

"That an answer?" Cortana chuckled.

Chief nodded, then stood up and walked away from his desk, peering through the window to the Outpost's courtyard. It wasn't long before he spotted the platoon. Twenty Marines, the good Sergeant-Major in the lead with a Cigar between his lips, in PT Gear and formation on march through the 'streets'. PT Gear for Johnson, however, seemed to mean full combat load, backpack and extra supplies and MREs.

He shook his head and said, "He never changes..." before walking back to his desk and sitting down to finish the paperwork. He could hear Johnson's troop get closer, the thumping of the boots just below his window accompanied by the rhythmic cadence named 'She Wore a Yellow Ribbon'. An old Marine song sung during training marches, the Cadence rang up to him, with Johnson calling the song very well.

"Sarge has a voice," Cortana chuckled as she started completing another form.

The Spartan, meanwhile, heard a knock on the door and replied, "It's open," only to add "Always," just in case a Nikke wanted to talk. And good thing he did. Calmly did Niner enter the place, a smile on her face and a new helmet slung under her arm. She saluted the Chief, who gave a nod and a salute back before motioning to her to take a seat. She offered a smile, then sat herself down on the couch. Chief finished one last form as he asked, "Anything I can help with, Niner?"

Niner nodded, "Needed some advice, sir."

"About?" He asked as he stood to his feet. It wasn't unusual for soldiers to ask for advice from their commanding officers and staff. It was actually far too common. He sat himself down in front of her, on a titanium chair that could withstand his armor's full weight. She chuckled at the sight, then heard a tiny groan from the metallic furniture, before bursting into a full-on giggle.

With Chief's confusion mounting rather noticeably, the girl waved it off and said, "Sorry... About why I was here... Guess advice is the wrong term, but I do need a favor. I was wondering if I could ask for something more personal. I can't exactly put it into a Req Form myself, sir, but uh..." She seemed to grow embarrassed, a faint flush on her cheeks. Chief nodded, urging her to go on with a motion of his hand.

She breathed in, breathed out and said, "A personal effect of mine from the Product Twelve barracks nearby Missilis HQ. It was basically the only thing I owned before I came here. A small coin, a Penny, I think, gifted to me by a kid I managed to save from a fire. It..." she sighed, "it reminds me why I fight from time to time. Not that I'd need a big reminder that Humanity's and our survival's at stake here, but that was the first gift I received."

"I'll see to it that we get it back. Maybe next time I visit Chief Deputy Andersen's office, I'll ask him to send for it," The Spartan replied. Niner beamed at that, then nodded in thanks before the two exchanged a few more words. Niner then stood up to leave, sliding her helmet on her head. Cortana let out an 'aww' at that, while the Chief stared at the young woman that'd been the first one of his squad he'd picked.

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