Queen for a Day, Punished for Eternity

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Central Government/New Unified Earth Government Offices

Scaffolding covered the facade of the Central Government Building after the bombardment it'd been subjected to a couple of days ago. Life in the Ark had resumed to normalcy, Barricades had been cleared and the civilians were allowed to return to the streets, though, now, the Police was supported by the UNSC Marines that had been deployed to assist in curbing any potential extra violence. The Marines were also meant to replace the Mass Production Nikkes that were currently away.

Within the office of the Central Government, said Nikkes had been gathered in long lines. Among them were a couple of members from the Lucky Strikes, sent here by Chief's order. The UNSC had announced immediate and major reforms for the Military and how it operated. Rumors were abound, but Captain Cutter assured everyone that these reforms would make sense in due time.

The Central Government had been dissolved after it was discovered a lot of its staff had been... 'Inconvenienced'... By Syuen's acts and would not be able to return to work. Their families were contacted and the current fact the crematories were working overtime was disheartening, but at least some part of the capable staff remained. Pinne looked back to Niner and whispered, "The heck d'ya think this is about...?"

"I don't know," Niner shrugged, "Must be pretty big if they're summoning all Nikkes in basically waves at this point."

"There hasn't been a reform that moved this fast in forever," Pinne snorted, arms crossed to her chest. Truly, things were starting to take shape in the Ark right now. She smiled a little and told her friend, "The fact Chief gave us a free day for it means it must be real important, too. Layla, Sammy, Delta and Signal went yesterday and they've been giddy about it ever since."

"You get any info out of them?" The MG Gunner raised a brow. Her shotgunner friend shook her head.

"Lips were shut tight. Chief's orders again. Seems like he wants every one of us to get surprised," Scoffed Pinne. Niner rolled her eyes at that. Really, what could be so important they'd manage to keep it a secret from each-other on orders? Pinne hummed, then gasped and said, "Hey, 112!" as she saw the wounded shotgunner Stella had tended to leaving the place, beaming.

112 looked different now. She wore a technically 'new face' behind the visor and her hair had been dyed black to differentiate her from her sisters. However, when she noticed Pinne and Niner in the crowd, her smile grew tenfold. She took off her visor and asked, "Chief finally let you girls come by, eh?" as she put her hands on her hips. The girl was also wearing a tank top and cargo pants, minus the usual heavy armor. Why'd she have her visor with'er then? Eh.

"Yeah. You gonna tell us what this is about?" Pinne raised a brow, "Cuz I really wanna know why we're stuck in a line instead of on active duty."

"Tsk tsk," The girl shook her head and wiggled her index left to right. She grinned and said, "Chief and the New UEG gave orders directly that each Nikke is to only know what this is about after it happens. Talulah, y'know, Product 08-08, spilled the beans yesterday to Yelena and Katy and wound up with cleaning duty in Sector 13 for the next week... Ya ain't catching me slippin'."

"Jeez, man, it's that serious?" Snorted Niner. It must've really been something big.

112 nodded, "Yep. Oh, bee-tee-dubs! I finally have a name. Klara!"

"Heh. Nice to meet'cha, Klara, With a C or a K?" Pinne inquired, looking at her sister as the line advanced.

"K," She chuckled, then looked around after a whistle and saw her squad. She spoke happily, "Anyways. See ya! Enjoy the spoils!" and she grinned, then ran off to rejoin her squad outside. Pinne and Niner exchanged looks, then shrugged and continued deeper into the former CG Offices. As they entered, they came upon the sight of Navy Construction Battalion working to refurbish the lavish interior that'd been damaged during the Spartans' gunfight. Bullet holes and faint traces of blood splatters still marred the columns, but they were fading under the careful repairs of the Engineers.

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