Classes begin (Transfiguration Class)

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Kenji was already in class after seeing the interesting practice earlier. He, Harry and Nan Feng were the first ones there in class. However, they saw also Fu Yao who happened to have been eying the castle with an disdain look as if he was repulsed at the haggard appearance of the place. Then he and Nan Feng started to bicker as usual and Kenji just laughed and Harry, just looked bored and spoke with Kenji instead. As the rest of the student arrived in class, Ron wasn't. This certainly wouldn't do and the reason why Nan Feng looked mad was Fu Yao mocked him about his house neglecting to make every student in Gryffindor present and this made him and Kenji still remembered; "You...I'll show you!" Nag Feng sped up the staircase, not caring where it revolved and just used the walls and thick pictures to reach the Gryffindor door with Harry behind who was calmly following him.

He was also manipulating the staircase to make it temporarily freeze until he reached the Gryffindor passage with the Fat Lady but unfortunately Harry and Nan Feng saw Ron as the last student in the room because he overslept and was pretty heavy sleeper and he wouldn't wake up until he heard a tap.

Much to Nan Feng's irritation, a fucking tap on the table woke the kid up and not his loud booming voice which in contrast to this kid woke up everyone else up. Nan Feng glowered at Ron "Get ready or else..."

Harry snickered, "I'd get ready Ron. Nan Feng isn't joking around" The warning tone Nan Feng used did the trick, because in no time at all Ron was scrambling out of bed, hurriedly dressing while occasionally throwing frightened glances at Nan Feng. It was odd for Ron to be scared of a student who was the same age, but there was something about Nan Feng's attitude and stern expression that terrified Ron.

"Relax, it's early, mate. Relax, you keep on frightening the kid and he'll not want to get up," Harry tried to lighten the situation, hiding a smirk as he reached over to ruffle Ron's hair, trying to calm him down.

Ignoring Harry, Nan Feng checked his watch impatiently, "I'm giving you five minutes to get ready and we're out the door, we need to get to class, do not make this House like a laughing stock!"

Ron blinked "This is just first class. What's he making it so urgent?"

Nan Feng scoffed "Being on time means taking your education seriously, and if I see you talking back, I'll make sure you-" Harry interrupted "Ok, ok, I'm sure he understands by now of your threat. Now can we wait until he get ready?"

Ron found Nan Feng irritating, grumpy, and too intense, yet but for some reason there was something that screamed respect and no-nonsense and among other ways he couldn't explain. Five minutes later, the trio arrived in class where Fu Yao and Hermione rolled their eyes and continued to study. Nan Feng apologized "I apologize for arriving late but I needed to get fellow Gryffindor!" He ordered "Sit down!" He ordered Ron who flinched in fear and Harry who stood next to a smiling Kenji. Ron blinked at the cat on the table "I thought being late for class would get us in trouble, but I think this might be the first time I've ever seen a cat in class. The thought of what the professor would is getting me the shivers!" Ron said, slightly baffled blinking at the cat. Atsushi laughed nervously while Ryuunosuke scoffed "Idiot, do you even know what the cat is?" The cat transformed into Professor McGonagall.

Ron gasped "that was bloody brilliant!" McGonagall chuckled, "Thank you, Mr. Weasley. Perhaps having one of your friends to bring as you as a pocket watch into my class as a might do you some good into arriving to class on time," She warned, the dry smile never leaving her face. Everyone in the class laughed while Ron's face turned bright red. Nan Feng hissed "take your seats!" Fu Yao evaluates the methods of this transfiguration class, Harry noticed his two guardians listening intently. Fu Yao muttered " This isn't even half as rigorous as what we have back at my general's training. Of course, that oaf Nan Feng might have a hard time with such 'complicated' things" Nan Feng heard and glowered "Oh, please, Nan Feng shot back, his tone dripping with sarcasm, he put his fingers on his forehead to glower at Fu Yao. "Don't fucking underestimate me just because you happen to have gotten placed in a Know-It-All house, you asshole!"

Fu Yao shot back "You think that way? Your house of Overconfident Dumbbells are the ones who are gonna be put into last place! You're unworthy of Ha Lì's protection!"

They conversed through the Communication Array. "It's bad enough I have to watch your argument during breakfast, now I have to hear it in my head during class too?"

Harry mentally grumbled, tuning out of the adults' squabbling. Hermione stared at them with suspicion, these boys were strange indeed, and first of all, why were they making such angry faces? The tension dissipated and was replaced with excitement for the rest of the transfiguration class, save for Nan Feng and Fu Yao whose arguments reached a boiling point and started disrupting class with a somewhat hilarious series of poorly controlled transfigurations: a vulture transformed into a feather duster and a dog into a wig. Meanwhile, Harry chuckled softly, relieved to be the witness rather than the perpetrator of the scene. Ron eyed them curiously "What are they saying to each other? Their expressions are rather peculiar. Also, why aren't they taking notes?" He wondered, raising an eyebrow at Harry and Hermione.

Kenji beside him was smiling as always and he was listening to the teachers, he overheard the other Slytherins snickering about him teasing him about having to bring a straw hat to class but quickly shut up when Ryuunosuke glared at them to shut up and pay attention, " You better hope Professor Snape doesn't hear you snickering, or else you'll end up cleaning the potion cauldrons for the rest of the year," Ryuunosuke warned, the teasing and snickering stopped at his warning.

Harry snickered silently at Ryuunosuke's warning, not scared at all, as the other students became, they shivered, Neville, Seamus and Dean quaked in fear of Ryuunosuke, they gulped, "I'm glad I'm not in Slytherin..."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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