The Boy Who Lived/Ron and Hermione

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Chuuya and Dazai sat next to Xie Lian and Hua Cheng. Akutagawa and Atsushi began to eat some bowls that were served when Chuuya ordered.

Xie Lian said, "Um, Chuuya?"

Chuuya nodded, "Ryuunosuke, Atsushi, can you take Kenji to get some beef bowls?"

"Beef bowls?!" Kenji smiled happily. Ryuunosuke and Atsushi nodded, "Come on, Kenji-kun. Let's go get some"

"Ok!" Kenji said with a grin, "I'll be right back, Harry-chan!"

Harry smiled, "Okay"

Then he turned to his parents, the two highly gifted adults, and semi-giant, "All right, I realized when we were sent to get our items for school has nothing to do with whatever you all have been discussing. It's about time we talked."

Hua Cheng sighed, "Hā Lì, it's about-" "No!" Hagrid pleaded with him. Hua Cheng rolled his eyes, "You-know-who..."

Harry looked down, "the reason I'm orphaned in the first place, right? Yes, Lord Voldemort, I've heard within the whispers of the crowd of You-Know-Who, I understand. He went after my parents in vengeance for being late and I know what happened...Baba and A-die once showed me a memory using an object called "Guoqù Zhānbǔ", meaning it can gather what happened in the past. And I saw..." Harry's eyes turned grim at the memory, "him...the vile snake..." his voice reeked with fury, "slither his way to what was once my home and murder my parents." He breathed with such a heavyweight of disgust, spite, and hatred, "He forced the door open then proceeded to first kill my father and my mother...who held me in her arms before she also met her demise. But..." He looked to Hagrid had tears streaming down his face and into his scruffy beard, "That is why I'm so well-known, right? The Boy-Who-Lived. For having to live while his family who loved and cared for him was taken from him...but know this, Hagrid..." He stood up, eying him, ignoring the half-giant's teary, regretful face, "If he should ever dare to come near me and my family, we will not hesitate to go to war, no matter how many followers or how dire it will be..."

Fu Yao added, "And that is not a promise, but a vow if this Voldemort tries anything to our Hā Lì...we will ensure his and his followers' suffering..."

Hua Cheng smirked, "He and his shitty followers shall rue the day he has ruined our Hā Lì's life but for all the stolen childhood and him having to with those scum mortals, at the same time, I am grateful..."

Harry turned to him, "A-die..."

Xie Lian smiled, kissing his forehead where the scar was, "Because we never have would've gotten our Hā Lì, our precious son."

Harry smiled as he hugged Hua Cheng and Xie Lian, "And I am too, and the reason I'm so confident is that I now have my beloved fathers, uncles, and aunts to protect me and I love them all very much..." Harry smiled sincerely.

Xie Lian teared up as he showered Harry with kisses, "Baba, no!!" Harry giggled as Hua Cheng smiled as he hugged him.

"Fuck..." Nan Feng fought to urge to bawl while Fu Yao blushed, "N-no need to be so frank, Hā Lì..."

Atsushi and Ryuunosuke, who have been listening, on other hand, "Wow...that's so beautiful!" Atsushi sobbed as Ryuunosuke rolled his eyes and handed him a tissue, "Have some decorum, Jinko..."

Kenji had a bit disappointed there were no beef bowls, but brightened up when he saw his new friend hugging his parents, "Aww, something good must've happened."

Chuuya breathed hard and fought off the stinging in his eyes as Dazai sang, "Aww, are you crying, Chuuya~?"

"Shut up, Shitty Dazai! It's the onions in my bowl!" Chuuya yelled as he kicked Dazai who swiftly dodged.

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