Early Morning Exercise

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The next morning, Kenji decided to wake up early as the sun was rising, he stretched a bit and then he gets up. He looked outside and smiles as the rising sun emerged from the ocean and gets up. No one else was wake up. Atsushi was hugging a pillow and snoring lightly. On the bed next to his.

Kenji blinked, "huh, I guess they had a long day. Oh, well, they do need their rest after coming such a long way from school." He goes to his wardrobe and finds his farmer's clothes, but the school instructed him to wear, Kenji thinks for a moment before he smiles.
He gets inside his wardrobe, unaware he'd awoken a boy named another gold-eyed boy with blond hair and saw wardrobe shaking and noticed the noise made his other house-mates stir in their sleep. The boy rises up, feeling slightly scared and unsure, but also mostly curious, perhaps it was one of the servant elves of this school and gotten itself trapped. But why wasn't it yelling?

Now the student was about to open the door when it opened on its own. There stood Kenji who smiled happily with his eyes closed, "it's a good thing my farmer's clothes are light. These robes could hide anything!" He opened his eyes and saw the gold eyed boy "Oh, hi! Miyazawa Kenji! What's your name?" The other boy was baffled for a second, considering he thought this boy had somehow locked himself in the wardrobe. Then, seeing Kenji was patient but smiling, he answered "Oh, I'm Cedric! Excuse me, why are you up so early? He checked the window to see the sun has barely risen and he checked his mundane wristwatch, "And it's five."

Kenji giggled "I get up early all the time. Sorry if I woke up, but I wanna explore this castle." Cedric says "But I heard professor Dumbledore say that some areas of the castle is forbidden."

Kenji smiles still nonetheless. "Ok, it was nice to meet you Cedric-kun." He left the room with a skip. He walked out of his dormitory as the picture, er, door opened. Kenji grinned widely at the sight at the endless enchanted staircases that rotated every moment like its testing your time and speed. Kenji giggled "I wonder if Ha Lì-kun is awake too!"

He headed over the Gryffindor door but the Fat Lady says that only Gryffindors could enter. But it wasn't until she screamed shrilly when the picture, er, door from behind opened to reveal Harry. Harry smiled "Oh, good morning, Kenji!" Kenji smiled "I didn't know you woke up this early too! Do you wanna explore the castle with me?" Harry shrugged "why not?" He held his hand as to two reasons he wanted to be close to him as possible and Kenji was too energetic for his own good that Harry would lost sight of him in their exploration. The school's groundskeeper Mr. Filch sneers at the two boys one scowled at him as though he was parasite the supposed Boy Who Loved, who apparently was more arrogant than he looked and the other was chirpy as a bird, so revolting, as if the boy was new babe who has yet to face a hardship. Oh, how pitiful. Harry sensing his ire and the sneer on his face as he looked at Kenji made him slightly fumed. Harry says to Kenji "Come, Ken. Let us leave this creep and indulged in the Grand Hall." He ignored Filch sneer who mutters "Celebrities and their desperations. Oh why did I wake this morning?"

Harry and Kenji went to the Grand Hall to find it completely vacant. No students, only apparitions looming and phasing through anything. "Good morning, Mr. Potter and Mr. Miyazawa," greeted Sir Nicholas with a smile. "Up bright and early, I see."

Harry shrugged, his cool demeanor unchanged. "Early rising is a habit of mine. I often exercise with my fathers and uncles."

Kenji couldn't help but tease, his playful spirit shining through. "Do you run around your palace, playing hopscotch until you're dizzy?"

Harry's expression softened as he spoke. "My exercises take many forms. If we meet up in the forest, I could show you."

Kenji's eyes lit up like a child's at Christmas. "Really?!"

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