Sorting Ceremony

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As they walked through the grand palace, Harry couldn't help but feel unimpressed. He had grown up in Baba's pristine palace, which had its own charm and simplicity. Fu Yao and Nan Fang were still bickering about their occupations, and Harry couldn't help but roll his eyes at their constant squabble.

Hermione piped up, "Did you know that the ceiling is enchanted to reflect the outside? It's truly amazing!"

"I'd rather be outside to see the stars," Harry replied drily.

Kenji, on the other hand, was fascinated by the grandeur of the palace. "But isn't it beautiful?" he asked, gesturing around them.

Harry shrugged, not really seeing the appeal. He continued walking, listening to the conversation between his friends and their banter.

It was then that Fu Yao and Nan Fang's bickering escalated. "My job is more important than yours!" Nan Fang insisted.

Fu Yao huffed, "That's ridiculous! My job is the most important!"

Their argument continued as Harry sighed, wondering how long the bickering would last this time.

As the students stood in front of the professors and the wise Albus Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall's voice reverberated through the Great Hall. "When I call your name, you will take a seat on this chair," she said, "And I will put this hat on your head, you will be sorted to your houses."

Whispers of anticipation fluttered through the crowd, accompanied by a few fidgets and sideways glances.

Professor McGonagall called out "Granger, Hermione" and a hush fell upon the hall. Hermione took a deep breath, suppressing her nerves, while Ron Weasley muttered to himself and quipped, "She's mental..."

Harry simply shrugged and commented, "I assume she's merely nervous. It's a big moment, after all."

As Hermione stepped forward and placed the hat upon her head, a spark of excitement filled the air. The Sorting Hat, wise beyond measure, began its internal dialogue with the young witch. "Right... right... hm..." it mused, contemplating the depths of Hermione's mind. "Gryffindor!" the hat declared, and a resounding cheer erupted from the Gryffindor table.

Harry cast a nonchalant glance towards his now fellow Gryffindor. Kenji, on the other hand, found himself captivated by the intricacies of the Sorting Hat's decision-making process. "Fascinating," he whispered, his eyes gleaming.

Meanwhile, Hermione, true to her nature, couldn't help but beam with satisfaction. She had known, deep down, that Gryffindor was her destined home. As she joined her new housemates amidst their cheering, she felt a sense of belonging that warmed her heart.

As Professor McGonagall called out "Malfoy, Draco," the platinum blond boy confidently stepped forward, a smug smirk already plastered on his face. He took a seat on the rickety chair in the middle of the Great Hall, awaiting the Sorting Hat's judgment. But before the hat could even touch his head, it bellowed out for all to hear, "Slytherin!"

Draco's smirk widened, a victorious glint dancing in his silver eyes. Across the hall, Ron couldn't help but shake his head in disapproval. Turning to his friends, Harry and Kenji, he couldn't resist making a snide comment, "There's not a wizard or witch who hasn't gone bad if they weren't sorted into Slytherin, mark my words."

Kenji, however, seemed to disagree, his voice brimming with confidence. "Ryuu-nii is one of the good ones," he interjected, causing Atsushi's eyebrows to shoot up in disbelief, but he agreed with Kenji. "Ryuunosuke may be a Slytherin, but he's not like the rest of them. But that doesn't stop him from being an utter asshole..." 'To me, on the first year of our time here in Hogwarts. Then Chuuya-san just had to have his mother instincts and take in Ryuunosuke like a new baby...I and Dazai were on the same page on taking him in too soon...but then...' his thoughts were lost as he paid attention.

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