Gringott's Bank

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Kenji and Harry were followed by their parents who got to buy some birds, and school supplies and were to go to the back which was run by grumpy elves, a giant suddenly appeared and hugged Harry crying with joy. "Oh, 'Arry, you've gotten so big! I can't believe it!"

As Hua Cheng was about to attack the giant, Harry said loudly, "please let me go!"

The giant let him go, "Sorry, I got carried away." Xie Lian asked politely, "hello, but who are you?" Though he was being polite, Xie Lian wanted to hug his son from the giant, feeling protective. Hua Cheng wasn't even hiding his protective anger.

The giant introduced himself, "I-I'm sorry there. I'm Hagrid, Rubeus Hagrid. It's just...this is the first time I've seen him since he was a baby."

Hua Chēng raised his eyebrow, "how do you know our son as a baby?" He smirked, "are you his scruffy grand uncle or something?"

Hagrid was confused, "' Arry's adopted by you two-?"

Hua Chēng glared, "Do you have a problem with that?" Hagrid chuckled nervously, "no, not at all, sir! I-I was surprised as all! You see, 'Arry's relatives..."

"Were pieces of lowdown shitheads that need to be put in a mental institution." Chuuya spat.

Hagrid blinked, "you know about them?"

Dazai smiled happily as he had his eyes, which hid his disdain, closed, hiding the angry blood that ran through his veins, "why, Xie Lian and Hua Cheng told us of Little Harry's mean ol' aunt and uncle who forced him to sleep in a cupboard and a chubby bully of a cousin who would laugh at his torment? Need I to tell more?"

Hagrid sighed, "I knew it was a bad idea to leave them with the Dursleys?"

Hua Chēng looked furious then he turned to his son and his 'boyfriend' Kenji, "A-Lì, why don't you two go in there, we'll catch up later?"

Harry smiled as he held Kenji's hand, "ok, A-die."

"Fu Yao, Nan Feng." Xie Lian ordered with an authoritative tone, "go with him." Hagrid gave Xie Lian an odd look before the Crowned Prince smiled, "Don't worry, you can trust them, they'll know what they're doing..." Hagrid nodded as he gave Fu Yao a letter and a key which he fumbled within his clothes until he found it, "Give these to them....and..." he whispered something to Fu Yao who looked surprised but then he nodded.

"Come on, you two." Fu Yao muttered grumpily. Nan Feng glared, "your sour attitude is the one that's gonna be scaring away Hā Lì's new friend."

"Yeah, well, that's 'cause a troll's right next to me..." Fu Yao rolled his eyes as Nan Feng blinked, seeing a grumpy elf walking by him, "that's not a troll, it's an elf. I think your eyes are going!"

Fu Yao sighed, "just shut up and follow us, idiot!" He gestured with a sweet smile toward Harry and Kenji. "Don't tell me what to do! And you're not Dianxia!" Nan Feng growled as they walked up to the head elf, "Listen, we need to gain access to Harry Potter's inheritance and...something" Fu Yao whispered.

"And does Mr. Harry Potter have his key?" The Elf asked as Fu Yao handed him a key. "An elf will escort you to the Potter family's Vault and..." he leaned down to whisper in his Martial God's ear, "there is another something that Dumbledore requests."

"Can Kenji come?" Harry pleaded. Kenji made a pleading face to the elf who rolled his eyes, "very well."

Fu Yao nodded. He, Nan Feng, and Harry followed an elf who led them to a vault where it surprised Harry with how much gold there was. Then Fu Yao went to get something that gave Kenji and Harry a chance to talk about how rich Harry's family was, Kenji chirped, "I bet that load of money can help lots of people!"

Harry tilted his head, "what kind of people?"

Kenji smiled cutely, "oh, the kids in poverty, hospitals, and orphanages!"

Harry's green eyes twinkled, "would that make you happy?"

Kenji smiled, "yes, yes, it would. There may be children who are sheltered from harm and danger" his smile turned sad, "There are a lot of children who are overlooked and need the help even more, but whenever I know they're being helped with the sincerest way possible, then nothing else can make me happier."

Harry was considering it when Qing-shu came back, "let's go. We need to get our wands."

Harry and Kenji held hands as they followed Fu Yao and Nan Feng to Ollivander's shop, but before they could even enter Kenji was pulled into a hug. This surprised Harry but he pouted at the boy, "Hey, let go of my boyfriend!"

A choppy, white-haired teenager was fretting and hugging Kenji, "Kenji~kun, we were so worried! You were lucky Chuuya-san and Dazai-san were here to intervene if possible!"

Then next to him was another one: this teen had a weird hairstyle where black hair and white tips at the ends. "You should pay more attention, Kenji-kun. Chuuya-nii was ready to defy gravity just to look for you. Now let's go get your wand."

Kenji beamed with a hint of guilt, "ok. I'm sorry, Ryuunosuke-nii and Atsushi-nii. I'll ask next time."

Ryuunosuke scowled, hiding his worry as he took him from Atsushi's arm, lifting him by armpits to look at him straight in his eyes, ignoring the cute smile still on the blond's face, "you should, just don't let it happen again, brat. You nearly had Chuuya-nii go on a murderous rampage thinking some asshole or pervert kidnapped you-"

"Let him go!" Harry began to kick Ryuunosuke's shin to which the teen raise his eyebrow, "what the hell, kid?"

Harry glared at him as he raised his hand, whooshing it down. Ryuunosuke yelled in panic as a bolt of lightning appeared from above and headed toward him.

"Aaah!" Atsushi and Ryuunosuke jumped out of the way as the black/white haired boy unhanded Kenji.

Ryuunosuke growled, "you little brat!"

"Now, now, Ryuu-kun~" Dazai waved at him, "Harry-kun was just feeling protective of his BF."

"Boyfriend?!" Ryuunosuke and Atsushi exclaimed.

Before Harry could unleash his bestowed divine powers on the two teens, Kenji smiled, "Relax, Harry-chan, Ryuunosuke-san, and Atsushi-san are like family to me."

Harry smiled, "ok, if you say so..." he hugged him tightly, smiling as Kenji giggled, then he settled to glaring at the two boys behind Kenji's back, "MINE!!"

Atsushi smiled nervously at the little boy's scary look, 'No kid should ever look so scary!'

Hua Cheng grinned proudly at their Ha Lì, 'That's my boy! Fighting for his love like his A-die...'

Chuuya felt his eyebrow twitching at Harry's evil look, 'why is this gremlin eying Ryuunosuke and Atsushi like they're cockroaches and holding my baby like an anaconda?'

Xie Lian giggled, 'our babies are connecting as all. It's just a little crush, but if San Lang was able to wait for me 800 years, maybe Ha Lì will be able to a few more years...'

Dazai just smiled, 'oh, it's just a little crush, it's not like he's gonna take our baby Kenji away just I'd allow that to happen...' a dark aura omitted from him behind that friendly smile of his.

'Look at him, holding his arms around Kenji-kun like a serpent...' Ryuunosuke glared back at Harry who stuck his tongue out to him, 'Whatever he did, it was some kind of supernatural ability. We need to tell Dazai-san and Chuuya-san about this. More importantly, we need to warn Kenji to be careful around this kid...'

Fu Yao's eyes twitched and rolled, 'great, Ha Lì is possessive over the child, this is all Hua Cheng's fault!'

Feng Xin sighed, 'damn it, we have a Crimson Rain Flower Sought Flower junior...all because Ha Lì watched how Crimson Bastard treated Dianxia from the time they adopted him...'

Harry Potter and the Bungo Strays' Official Blessing (Book 1-3)Where stories live. Discover now