Arriving at Hogwarts/Professor McGonaggal

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It was night time and the train arrived at Hogwarts in no time. Kenji bounced seeing the large castle. "It's so big! It looks big enough to get lost in!" Harry smiled after him as they both got off the train.

Kenji, Harry and Ron donned their respective uniforms before disembarking the train. Ryuunosuke and Atsushi were also in their school attire as they accompanied Fu Yao and Nan Fang; all of them wearing discontent expressions after having argued and exchanged heated words with each other were already boarded to the castle as where their current houses would be waiting. Ryuunosuke was eager to challenge the others while Atsushi remained uncertain whether it would be wise to intervene.
Hagrid stepped in, "Evenin' new students! Let's be gettin' the boats are in position."

Harry grasped Kenji's hand with a grin, "I'd take it this is your first time traveling with your siblings?"
Kenji shook his head in response. "No, Ryuunosuke and Atsushi are not my brothers, but we're still staying with our foster parents until we turn eighteen: Dazai-san and Chuuya-san."

Harry nodded before taking a seat beside him and his friend Ron. Hermione settled down near them as well, to which Kenji smiled widely while introducing himself.
"I'm Kenji! Nice to finally meet you!"

"Hermione Granger," she replied awkwardly.

Kenji praised her name with enthusiasm, causing Harry to roll his eyes in amusement at what he perceived to be her developing crush on his newfound boyfriend.

He looked at the castle with skepticism, "This is supposed to be a school? Baba's palace is definitely more appealing and brighter..."
Kenji grinned, "Do you have a castle? Can I see it?"
Harry beamed, "Sure thing, Ken."
Surprised by the sudden nickname he received, Kenji was astonished. "Ken...I have a nickname! No one has ever called me that before!" He said excitedly while his face shone radiantly. After pausing briefly for contemplation, he asked timidly, "Can I call you something too?"

Harry smiled at Kenji's enthusiasm and proposed to be referred to as "Ha Lì." Thrilled, Kenji responded by addressing him as "Ha Lì-kun," causing Harry to beam in pleasure. He then introduced himself as Ken and jokingly proposed that "we should establish a duo if we are going to have nicknames" with Harry teasingly noting "that two are necessary for such an assembly, Sunshine."

Kenji let out a giggle, "You're funny, Ha Lì-kun..." then becomes excited, "Let me about your castle!"

Harry commented, "The grandeur of my residence surpasses this one's; it would be a challenge even for those without sight to take it all in."

Kenji stayed upbeat, expressing, "I'm sure that with combined efforts we can make it function... and I have a feeling this year will be remarkable!"
Harry replied cautiously, "We'll just have to see..."
Upon stepping out of the boats they faced an endless stairway.

Kenji's eyes lit up with enthusiasm, "This is so exciting! I'd like to end up in Gryffindor or even Hufflepuff. The Sorting Hat ought to be able to decide that for us."
Harry gave Kenji a perplexed glance, "A hat makes the decision of what House you belong to...?"

Kenji smiled, "That is what Ryuunosuke-nii told me. He's in Slytherin, but don't be concerned; he is much friendlier than he appears! Like certain wild animals that may have a menacing appearance, snakes can also carry venom yet may not always act harmfully - it's only their nature. Besides, he assists Atsushi-nii as he has difficulty memorizing information. He is in Hufflepuff yet they get along very well."

'Just like my uncles Mu Qing and Feng Xin always fight...' Harry smirked,"I'm sure they do indeed!"

Ron questioned tentatively, "Do we need to intervene with your foster siblings and those two people behind them who are in a perpetual conflict?"

"Bring it on, Skunk-head!" Nan Fang bellowed out, challenging everyone there, "Do you have the courage of the matter? I will rip you apart if you are up for it!" The aura around Ryuunosuke was menacing that even Draco and his allies were wary and hesitant of him.

Since he enrolled in Hogwarts, most people have been scared of him; however, Professor Snape has taken a liking to him--being a Slytherin and typically as demanding and solemn as ever.

Hermione sighed, exasperated, and commented "These fools may be our undoing. The teachers won't be pleased about this..." Harry grinned in amusement at Nan Fang and Ryuunosuke who were ready to come to blows. "What do you say? We just need to join the second years; let's postpone this fight for another day!" Atsushi, on the edge of a breakdown, and Fu Yao simultaneously offered an unconcerned eye roll. "Idiots," he uttered. It was always these types of people who were so headstrong and stubborn that caused the most issues in Fu Yao's opinion.

Kenji sought to bring tranquility between them all with his calming smile. "We now have an opportunity," he said warmly, "It's our first day here; why not try getting along?"

"Fine..." Ryuunosuke reluctantly looked over at Kenji's kind expression before shooting a pointed glare at Nan Fang, saying reluctantly: "Don't mess with me..." Nan Fang gave a cool reply: "Go to hell..."

To which Ryuunosuke replied sarcastically: "Oh my heart aches...your voice is screeches to my ears..." he rolled his eyes.

Harry grinned and said, "Despite our initial interaction, I think I'm beginning to really like Ryuunosuke..." Kenji smiled cheerfully at the two boys, "I'm sure you can be friends if you try! Who knows, maybe it's the start of a beautiful friendship!"
Ryuunosuke and Nan Fang yelled in unison, "No way! Don't even think about copying me! Grrrrr!!!" They growled fiercely and Harry couldn't help but smirk as he watched the spectacle. Fu Yao sighed and muttered "Like father like son... How unfortunate..."
With that, Ryuunosuke and Atsushi joined their housemates.
The first years climbed up the step and continued until they see a tall woman with a green robe and icy blue eyes.

When the woman arrived, she warmly welcomed them and declared, "Welcome to Hogwarts! When you enter these doors, you will be sorted into one of four houses-Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. Consider your house like another family-you will gain points for accomplishments and lose points if you violate any rule. The house that earns the largest number of points at the conclusion of the year will be granted the House Cup- she was interrupted when Kenji cooed, "Oh, a little frog! How cute!" He picked it up, and a boy shouted, "Trevor!" Kenji smiled kindly and said, "Oh, he's yours. He's very cute! I'm Kenji."
The boy, Neville smiled nervously as he handed the frog back to him.
The woman's cold expression shifted slightly as she thanked him for the interruption. Kenji greeted her warmly and introduced himself as Miyazawa Kenji. He continued on optimistically, "I realize that there will be challenges ahead of us but we were all looking for a great year! Thank you for the heads up!" His positive aura and enthusiasm seemed to spread as others around him began to smile too—especially Harry.
Professor McGonagall was surprised by his attitude but smiled at his enthusiasm nonetheless, "thank you..."
She turns to the students, "Sorting ceremony will begin momentarily..."
Kenji replied with a friendly smile, "That makes sense...that woman seems nice..."
Harry smiled, "you think everyone is nice, Sunshine..."

When Draco sneered at Kenji, saying, "Aren't you a stuck up? Kissing people with your plastic cheerfulness...", Kenji replied with a calm smile, "I'm not sure what you mean by that." He then leaned closer and said provokingly, "If anything is plastic, I'd say that thing on your face is..."

Harry felt his fists curl in anger as he attempted to contain himself from striking Draco for his disrespectful behavior.

As they waited for the doors to open into their first day of school, Harry had to put up with Draco's haughty demeanor while still keeping silent. Upon entering the building, all he wanted was to escape this unpleasant situation and return home where he truly belongs with Baba and A-Die.

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