chapter 1 ~ I think you are my mate

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The cold Alaskan wind of August blew through Dani's brunette hair, as she rode her bike. A light sheen of perspiration coated her skin, due to panic that she wouldn't make it to class in time. The university of Fairbanks had a lot to offer and the chemistry labs were packed with the latest tech. The brunette didn't want to be late yet again, so she drove a little faster.

Today was her last lab exam and later that day, she'd have to catch a flight to port Angeles. It was her half-sister's wedding day and, although she wasn't all that enthusiastic about her younger sister getting married at eighteen, she'd promised to come.

Her parents met in the police academy, both very young and nine months later, through a stupid one-night-stand, Dani was born. Her mother tragically passed away, while giving birth to her, due to complications. The umbilical cord wound around Dani's neck and she herself was dead for two minutes. Then her mother got a heart attack, right when the doctors performed the c-section to safe her newborn self.

Charlie's parents took care of her, while he finished his training as a cop and helped him raise her. When Dani turned four, Charlie met a woman - Renée. She got pregnant and they got married. After Bella was born, Renée filed for a divorce, saying it was all too much. She was young and couldn't take care of a baby and a five year old kid.

Her father was heartbroken when Renée left him and his parents took care of Dani again, when he was at work. Charlie was a good man and a good father too. He did work a lot, but he had a big heart and loved Dani dearly, which made up for his absence.

When Bella was young and summer breaks started, she'd visited Forks and it was like both of them grew up together from the start. Dani didn't care for the five year gap between them. They were glued to the hip. Where ever Dani went, Bella came along and when other kids tried to pick a fight with her baby sister, she'd given them bloody noses. That - of course - resulted into Dani getting scolded and grounded, but she did it again and again; until every kid in Forks knew not to mess with Bella.

They were fundamentally different. Where Bella was shy and stumbled over her own feet, Dani was bold and spoke her mind. Bella had brown eyes and pale skin, Dani inherited the green eyes and tan skin of her mother. They did share the same mouth shape, which they both got from Charlie.

"Ah, Miss Swan." The professor stroked his white mustache. "Just in time! Take your coat and glasses and let's begin."

The exam went by fairly quickly and Dani only broke one test tube, which her professor nonchalantly waved off as nothing more than a little hiccup. Overall she performed very well and she got a good grade.

The drive to the airport was a blur and Dani parked her bike in the vast parking lot of the airport grounds. She adjusted her duffle bag and hurried inside. A stewardess waved her through and she was sitting in her seat in no time. She dozed off and was woken by the same patiently smiling stewardess. Once she got out of the plane, she hurried into the public restroom and ruffled through her bag to pull out her navy blue trouser-suit. Changing quickly, she stuffed her other clothes back into it and went outside to call a taxi, giving the driver the address.

She'd never met Bella's soon-to-be husband and she was a little nervous. Who was this guy? Making her sister fall madly in love to the point of getting married at eighteen? She wasn't into guys, but this dude had to be insanity gorgeous to explain it.

When the taxi stopped in front of a big mansion, which was more glass than stone, she paid the driver and stepped outside, with her jaw hanging open. Alright, Bella was marrying into money - old money, it seemed. Her eyes scanned the house and the fancy cars and she was rooted to the spot. A petite pixie opened the door and Dani's eyes snapped to her.

Tanya Denali ♡ Meeting your eyes (it was fate in disguise) ♡Where stories live. Discover now