chapter 9 ~ everybody says that i'm a good girl officer

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Dani fled the scene of blood and gore, stumbling over her feet and out into the streets. It was early morning and not many people were outside. The dark and cold night should bother her, but Dani felt nothing when the wind blew through her hair.

After she'd fed and that uncomfortable burning in her throat was extinguished, she could finally concentrate again. Concentrate on the important things.

Killing these people felt exhilarating, how the soft tissue of their skin and bones gave away under Dani's touch. The taste of their blood was delicious and Dani had to suppress a moan at the memory. 

She looked like a mass murderer, drenched in the blood of her victims. Her front was completely soaked and her mouth and neck covered in red.

The thought of killing and feeding excited her, but it also made her sick to think that. Dani shook her head and tried to remember about what happened before she became a monster. 

The pain she'd felt came to her mind and she growled at the thought. Crimson eyes and a wide predatory smile. A fight. Pushing Tanya away.




Dani took off and into the dark streets. She could hear so many heartbeats and smell so many inviting scents, but the need to be with her mate was stronger.

When Dani blurred out of the city and through the trees, her nose picked up sweet scents. They were different from humans, who smelled mouthwatering. These scents smelled like fruits and herbs. Sweet and tart. Danger and comfort.

She could pick up an orange-silverfir and an apricot-lemon-balm scent. The source of them had to be nearby, so Dani followed them. A few minutes later, she came to a stop and watched a scene of a different gore unfold in front of her. Just like she killed these humans, they killed deers and fed from them. Much more sophisticated, Dani noted, but the thought of filthy animal blood made her gag.

A man lifted his head from his prey and looked at her in shock and recognition. "Dani?"

The woman was not far behind him and had the same expression. "Ay dios mío! What happened?"

The brunette cocked her head at them. Did she know these two? She didn't recognize them, the only thing her brain was chanting right now was mate mate mate. There was no room for anything else.

When they made an attempt to get closer, Dani crouched down and bared her teeth in a hiss. Will they get in her way? Between her and her mate? She couldn't let that happen! Dani let out a threatening growl and attacked.

She grabbed the woman and hurled her through the air, making her crash against trees that snapped under the weight. When Dani stepped forward to attack her again, the man was fast to block her way and gave her an intimidating growl of his own.

"Dani! Stop!" The woman pleaded with her.

"Mi amor, she won't listen." The man turned his head over his shoulder, but was still watching Dani carefully. "Go back to the lodge and tell the others."

"No! She's too strong for you. Together we might have a chance to control her."

"She has a gift. With or without you, she'll overpower me." He pleaded with her then. "Carmen, por favor."

Carmen? That name sounded familiar to Dani, but her emotional state didn't give her any chance to analyze this situation rationally. When the woman blurred away, Dani followed like a greyhound hurrying after a plush bunny in a dog race. The man was hot on her heels, Dani could feel his presence behind her.

Tanya Denali ♡ Meeting your eyes (it was fate in disguise) ♡Where stories live. Discover now