chapter 6 ~ Impatience and revelations

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It was early Thursday morning and Tanya was restless. She paced through her bedroom like a caged lioness. Moving objects and little trinkets, she had collected throughout the years, around her room. Just so she had something to do, but still the agitation was there.

She tried to quench it with hunting. Swiftly and gracefully, nearly hovering over the snow littered ground, while she dashed through the forest. Pouncing, killing and draining her prey. But this didn't help either.

Not once in her life, had she experienced this level of anxiety and tension. It frustrated her to no end and there was seemingly nothing that could help.

Her mind lost focus long ago, suddenly snapped back into consciousness. Tanya stood in front of Dani's apartment building and the blonde's thoughts could finally calm down. She focused her vampiric hearing on one specific beat - the rhythmic thumping of Dani's heart.

It was slower than usual, indicating that the brunette was fast asleep. Something Tanya only heard once, while Dani laid passed out in her bedroom in Forks. The vampire closed her eyes and listened, letting the calming effects of it wash over her.

"Without you, I'm incomplete, dorogoy." [my darling] Tanya breathed out, a melancholy smile on her face.

Tonight she will take Dani on the date she had planned. They'll drive out of Fairbanks and to the edge of the Denali national park - her hunting grounds. Out there, the sky will be clear from light pollution of the city. The Perseid meteor shower will occur at night and Tanya made preparations for Dani to enjoy it. The blonde bought a thermal blanket and portable heaters, so her mate won't be cold.

It was also the day she had set as a date, to tell her. Tell her that vampires were real and that Dani was her mate. At least that was the plan, but the more Tanya thought about it, the less certain she became.

Was the mate bond strong enough? Strong enough to not crumble under this? Telling her would be life altering. Within one night, Dani's understanding on the world she'd known, would change. Would Dani reject her? Tanya's head filled with so many questions and the tension came back.

The blonde shook her head, trying to get rid of them as best as she could. It was to no use however and the anxiety came back in full force. She listened one more time to the thump thump thump and then dashed away in a blur.

"Yes, she was here by the human." A dark figure said, holding a phone to its ear, listening intently to the other end. "Of course, we will continue to observe the situation." The beeping of a hung up line could be heard and the figure put the phone down.

"What a shame, I wanted a taste." Another figure said with a dangerous smile.

"You're only here to mask my scent, not to kill the human. That's the only reason why Aro send you with me. You're merely a tool." The indifferent voice said to his companion.

"Don't be so harsh, Demetri. You might break my undead heart someday." The other vampire said mockingly, holding a hand to his chest in fake pain.

"Come, Antonio."

Demetri blurred away first, while Antonio lingered for a little while longer. "Mmh, what a shame." Then he blurred after his companion, into the dark night.


"Stop pacing, you're making me nervous." Kate watched her sister fidget since they had their talk on Tuesday.

Still Tanya walked up and down through the living room, while Kate stood with her arms crossed.

"What if she-" The strawberry-blonde ended her sentence with a pained shriek.

Tanya Denali ♡ Meeting your eyes (it was fate in disguise) ♡Where stories live. Discover now