chapter 17 ~ Decisions

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Felix grinned darkly. "Death."

The blonde walked back and forth, as if she was thinking. "To a newborn or the vampire who took responsibility for them?"

"The one who took responsibility." His gloomy voice said with gloating in it.

"No! You can't!" Dani cried out, panic in her eyes. "Kill me instead! Let Tanya be, she didn't do anything! It's all my fault!"

"This is not how it works, I'm afraid." Jane said sympathetically, her eyes however betrayed the act. They held sadistic giddiness in them.

Felix shifted from one foot to the other and Dani reacted on instinct. She reached out with her right hand and hurled him into the air. He crashed into the Yukon river with a loud splash. Jane's head followed the action and just as quickly, she snapped back to Dani.

"Pain." The one word command indeed hurt like a bitch and Dani went down to her knees howling.

Convoluted in the burning sensation, that spread throughout her body, even more painful than the fire of her turning. It was as if she was burning alive, every single receptor in her body fired pain signals to her brain - overloading it with information that even the simple act of thinking was out of her reach.

Felix strode to land, his black cloak soaked through with water and his hair clinging to his forehead. He sneered in aversion, his red eyes filled with acidic hatred. The bear of a man left a wet trail as he made his way to the screaming newborn, who withered on the ground. Before he could touch her however, Jane stopped him with a flick of her wrist and he stayed put.

And just like that, the pain subsided and Dani could think again. She reflexively took quick panting breathes, remnants of her past humanly body functions, no doubt.

"There is a way out, however." The words registered slowly and when they did, Dani looked up from her position on the ground. She was poised on her hands and knees, eyeing her opponents like a frightened animal.

"Tell me." 


Irina was running like a mad woman over the border to Canada and through its vegetations. She avoided towns and cities and went straight to the American border and into Washington. Finding Forks was an easy task, as she looked up the exact route that would lead her to it, when she was still out for revenge.

Now, instead of going on a rampage in Forks and wanting to tear through the wolves, she instead ran straight to the Cullen residence. There was no time to call them beforehand, but she was sure that Alice already saw her arrival coming and true to her guess, the door opened just as their glass mansion came into view.

She came to an abrupt stop right at the Cullen's driveway. Her hair was a mess, adorned with rogue leaves and twigs, she hastily but just as skillfully removed; letting them drop to the ground and smoothing her windblown mane down as best as she could. Looking somewhat decent, Irina speedwalked the rest of the way into the house; passing by a tense Jasper. 

"She is not here." The high-pitched voice of the seer answered her at once. Alice stood in the living room, bouncing on the balls of her feet and if Irina wasn't in such a panic herself, she would've caught the nervousness that radiated off of the pixie.

"I need you to find her for me, please." The dark blonde swallowed anxiously and looked at her young cousin with a hopeful expression. 

Jasper joined them, standing next to his wife in a regal posture with his hands behind his back. "Newborns are driven by hunger." His southern accent rolling smoothly off his tongue. "You and your sisters should look at towns nearby where you've lost her."

Tanya Denali ♡ Meeting your eyes (it was fate in disguise) ♡Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz