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♫ I get a little drunk and it's all I want, tomorrow I'll be sick, but tonight I'm numb
Uh-oh, now we can just pretend we won't do it again♫

Melanie Albon POV

I am back in London. The Silverstone race is about to start, and I just want to be able to support my brother, but there are so many people here!

"I'm sorry!" I hear the male's voice as he holds me before I hit the ground from colliding with him.

"It's fine. I got distracted. I'm sorry," I say as I check to see if my camera is okay, and thankfully, it is.

"Are you okay?" he asks worriedly. I finally look at the man, and he is dressed in a race suit.

"I'm okay; I understand the fast reflex now," I say with a smile, and he chuckles. Carlin. He is in Formula 2.

"Your face is familiar," he says as he tilts his head curiously, and I nod.

"I am Alexander Albon's sister, Melanie Albon. I hang around the paddock, and I take pictures, "I present myself, and it seems to fit in with his idea, and he nods in agreement.

"I saw you around Williams! I am Logan Sargeant; I am in Formula 2 with Carlin Motorsport." He is nice. I like him. He is cute, and he fits my type. An accent would make him even more attractive.

"Well, I hope to see you around then. I am going to watch the race now," I tell him as I see the 15-minute countdown, and he nods.

"Have fun, Melanie," he says happily, and I nod before I run to William's garage.

I didn't have fun. At all. It was a shitshow, and I had my heart on my sleeve as I watched George's collision with Zhou and how bad Zhou's crash was. George leaving his car showed me exactly how worried he was.

As if that wasn't enough, my brother was also hit by three different drivers and retired. They didn't even do one fucking lap before this took place. I was waiting for news on my brother when I saw George passing nearby, and I ran to him.

"Are you okay?" I ask him worriedly.

"I could've killed him. What if I injured him, Mel?" He asks me in pure fright, and I shake my head.

"He is fine, it happens. Hey, look at me," I tell him as I see him looking up, and he looks at me again.

"I need to know how he is," he says, and I nod.

"Go to your garage. I need to know what is going to happen with Alex, and maybe we can go to the medical center or whatever hospital they send them to get checked up," I say. He nods, kissing the top of my head, and I turn around, confused.

The next few hours only increased my stress. I was genuinely shaking as we arrived at the hospital Alex had been flown to, along with Zhou. They were released, and George and I just stayed there in silence as we waited for them to leave their rooms.

"Oh God!" I say as I see my brother, and I get up to hug him.

"I love you, Mel," he says as he kisses my cheek, and I nod.

"Me too! Don't do this again, you scared the shit out of me," I confess and he laughs.

"How is Zhou?" He asks worriedly.

"I am fine; I was never this thankful for that halo until now when I saw life flashing by," Zhou's voice is heard behind us, and we turn to look at him. He seemed fine, the shock has probably worn off by now.

"I am so sorry! I don't know what happened," George starts, but he chuckles.

"We know what we sign up for; race incidents are just that: incidents. It's fine, don't worry about it," he says, and George seems relieved.

"Let's go home and rest," I say, and the men nod.

We left Zhou at his hotel. We invited him for dinner, but he had plans with his bed for a good rest, which no one can blame him for. I left with George; we canceled the after-party and headed to my apartment. I was not going to keep living with George, so I had to rent in one of the most secure apartment buildings I could find.

"Stop doing that," I say as we are in the elevator, and his eyes stop on mine.

"Doing what?" He asks curiously.

"Blaming yourself. It was an accident; it happened. Everyone is alright."

"We forgot to stop for the food," his brain seemed to work at that moment, which made me laugh as the doors opened.

"I am going to cook today; don't worry about it," I say as I open my apartment door and go in before he does.

"Please don't try to poison me. I am still your brother's best friend," he comments as I leave my bedroom after putting on an oversized shirt and messily tying my hair so I can start cooking.

"Watch me do it if you are that unsure; I don't make promises that I can't keep," I say jokingly, but he nods.

"Better safe than sorry," he comments as he heads to my bedroom. I'm going for a quick shower!" he tells me before I can hear the door closing.

George does not show his feelings, but today, he did. He stopped his race to help another driver, which is worth mentioning in my book. The shower was quick, and he showed up in pajamas, which made me laugh.

"You even have pajamas here? How did I not notice?" I am amused that it went completely unnoticed.

"I mean, I put my stuff in one of your drawers; that closet is huge. You have two drawers at my place, and it's only fair," he says casually, and I keep laughing.

"What else do you have here?" I ask as I cross my arms; this conversation is interesting.

"Everything that is needed. I brought shampoo, hair products, perfume, a toothbrush, and basically everything you took to my house, but in my version. You want to look presentable the next morning, and so do I," he says casually, and I nod.

"Sure thing, you are the celebrity. You might be photographed while entering your gorgeous Mercedes," I mock him, and he rolls his eyes.

"You love my Mercedes," he says proudly, and I nod.

"I sure do; I always had high-maintenance tastes," I say before I return to the stove to see how the food is going. Suddenly, I felt his presence behind me before he hugged me; he did bring his perfume because it smelled so damn good.

Don't distract yourself, Melanie, don't burn the food!

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