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♪ Rule number four, gotta be looking pure
Kiss him goodbye at the door, and leave him wanting more ♪

Melanie Albon POV

I woke up early the next day; my head was on George's chest, which is weird in itself. I don't usually do that. I don't remember ever waking up like this, but George is always the first one to wake up; he is an early riser, and I am not.

The moment I felt sick, I knew why I woke up first, and I ran to the bathroom as quickly as I could. I tried to hold my hair as I threw up, but it didn't quite work. I sat on the bathroom floor, and I felt like I was passing out. My hands shook, I couldn't get up, and I was generally sweating.

Everything around me was spinning, and I was unsure of what caused this; maybe I ate something spoiled. I knew I wasn't pregnant for a fact, I had my period two weeks ago, and it was a bitch.

I felt the urge to vomit again, making me lean on the toilet once again, and I suddenly felt my hair being held up firmly and a hand stroking my back calmly.

"Can I help with anything?" He asked once it ended, and I leaned back, ready to sit on the cold floor. Instead, I sat on his lap.

"I don't know. I don't feel well," I say with a trembling voice; I am honestly scared I'm going to keep vomiting.

"Can you trust me to help you?" He asks as he takes the hairs that were stuck to my face due to the sweat, and I nod.

"Yes," I manage to say weakly.

What came next was honestly surprising coming from him. He helped me take a shower slowly so I wouldn't move too much, then he dried my hair and took me to bed as he called for room service, which appeared with all types of beverages.

"Listen to me for once. Keep yourself sitting and drink a lot of water and fruit juices. Ice pops are a good option. I will ask for some once you are less pale-looking. Where did you eat yesterday? Williams or Mercedes?"

I listened carefully to the advice. How does he know so much? Why does he care? I thought he would've called Alex to get me. He gave me a water bottle, and I took some sips with some fear, but I felt normal after drinking it.

"I had lunch at Williams with Lily and Nina," I finally answer, and he nods.

"I will talk to Alex and see how Lily is; maybe try texting Nina to make sure she is fine. Maybe find out what may have caused this. Eat some crackers if you feel better. I am going in for a shower; call me if you need me; the bathroom door is open," he says, taking one last look at me.

I leaned my head back as I feared the nausea was coming back. I got a text from Nina, and she was sick too; we surely ate something we shouldn't have. I don't know if I would prefer to be her because she has been in the toilet for 3 hours, sitting on it, if you know what I mean.

"Nina is sick too," I inform him once the water shuts off, and I see him showing up with a towel around his waist as he dries his hair with another.

"Do you want me to buy a pregnancy test just to be sure?" He asks calmly, and I shrug.

"You can buy one if you want to make sure of it. I know I am not, but I don't mind doing one for your state of mind," I say jokingly, and he nods.

"Thank you. I will buy one in a bit. Better safe than sorry."

"We use condoms, and I have an implant in my damn arm," I am not worried about this; it's statistically improbable on the implant; imagine with condoms added to it.

"We skip condoms sometimes," he remembers me, and I nod.

"Yeah, because I have the implant, it's 99% effective either way. I also got my period, so chill out or use condoms religiously," my nonchalance made him laugh, and I laughed too.

"I will be back in 10 minutes. There's a pharmacy close by. I will buy you something to protect your stomach. Need anything else?" He asks as he looks into his clothes and starts dressing himself.

"I am fine; I expected you to drop me at my brother's doorstep as soon as you saw me in that state, so I appreciate all the extras. My expectations were shallow for you in this situation," I confess, and he nods.

"I could've. But two sick women is almost a punishment for him; I am not that mean," he shrugs before putting his jacket on, picking his phone up from his side of the bed, which is where I am, and leaning down in my direction. "I always like exceeding expectations, especially yours. Please don't wash your teeth; it may cause you to vomit again. Be careful if you try to lie down. Keep your phone close."

"Yes, sir."

He chuckles before finally leaving the room, and I take a deep breath. Why is George being so damn gentle? It almost makes me feel guilty for wanting to break his heart and demeanor. But that will disappear as soon as his ego shows up, so I am not worried about losing this. I got this in the bag.

He was back in 15 minutes. He made me take the pill for stomach protection, and then I went to do the pregnancy test and got out as he sat in the bed with me, waiting for the result.

"You are not about to become a dad, not with me at least. Calm down," I say calmly as I scroll through my phone.

"I just never had to wait the damn 5 minutes it takes," he says as he looks at me.

"The one you bought takes like 1 minute, I was just trying to see how long you would stay there," I tell him with a smirk, and he launches to the bathroom, getting out soon after and leaning on the door frame, arms crossed.

"Negative," he says, relieved, and I laugh.

"I am so surprised our methods of protection worked," the sarcasm made him laugh, and I watched him take the sweatpants he got out in and enter the bed by my side.

"You better not get me sick," he says as he turns on the television.

"You can go to my room. No germs there."

"I am not leaving you alone; you almost passed out this morning," he is decisive, and I shrug.

"Nothing I can do then, deal with it."

"I can deal with it, just try and get some rest," he says calmly and I nod.

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