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♫ Feel your eyes watchin' me
So I'm movin' on him just so you can see ♫

Melanie Albon POV

I arrived at the paddock on Sunday with a clear headspace. I had kept my distance from George all weekend. I wanted him to look for me, which I found him doing a couple of times. I went to his room as we had agreed. Lewis was going there and gave me access to the room section of the motorhome since I am not a driver or close enough to have access to that area.

"Here I am in all my glory. Got tired of waiting?" I ask as I lean on the doorframe and see George had his eyes closed.

"I thought you would be here sooner," he says as he sits, resting his back on the wall. The single beds they have are barely enough for them.

"There was no time agreement," I clap back and he nods.

"What is my reward for being such a good guy?" He asks as he tilts his head curiously, and I laugh.

"What would be good?" I ask as I look at the floor. A good pillow would allow me to give him a nice blowjob without my knees hurting. Sex should be about comfort too.

"Lunch, deal with me for half an hour. Maybe later we can take care of that, with some extra space for us to be more comfortable," his words shook my core. Is he denying sex?

"What? Lunch? I thought I would be eating something else, not lunch," I am perplexed by his words, and he laughs. 

"You wanted to suck me off? You really love my dick, don't you?" He asks cockily, and I laugh.

"I never thought you meant lunch. I had meals with you more often than I am pleased to admit. I enjoy your dick, but you do an outstanding job being a dick. Why are you denying a blowjob?" I ask as I cross my arms.

"Don't be like that, I am denying shit. I want to eat because I have to drive the damn car in less than 2 hours from now. Is it too much to ask for it to be later?" He asks as he stands up, stretching a bit and coming closer.

"Fine. I will have lunch with you," I would prefer the other option, 10 minutes, and I wouldn't have to see his face. Now, I will sit through a meal with him. Jesus.

"13 people were sick from Williams because of the food," he comments as we sit down to eat in the hospitality. People tried not to stare, but he is a driver, they knew they shouldn't bother, so they just looked, which was acceptable.

"13? They should be glad it was that few people," I am still outraged by the fact that it happened. Their food should've been safe to consume.

"Yeah, they had to do some refund, but the staff was 13, plus you three," he mentions casually.

"Why did you take care of me?" My question was enough for me to get his attention.

"I am not a monster; you were sick and needed help. It's not that big of a deal; stop being like that. I don't despise you that much, and I wouldn't just get rid of you because you were almost passing out on my bathroom floor. I still have some empathy," he says before rolling his eyes at my insistence.

"Fine. Just get in that podium, and we can have a talk about this later, in your hotel room," I say as I take a sip of my drink, and he smirks.

"Why is it always my room?"

"It's better than mine, more luxurious. I would never spend ridiculous amounts on hotel rooms, and I don't earn as much as you. So it's your room," I shrugged, and he nodded.

"We could share a room in some cities, I wouldn't mind. You always end up there anyway," he was joking. I could see it on his face, so I laughed.

"Like we could deal with each other for that long of a time. My strength is back. I could very well murder you."

"I know. I just think you could stop paying for Sunday nights since you are always at mine," he says calmly and proceeds to take a sip of his drink.

"I always go out hoping to find someone better, but I never do so, so it is what it is. Maybe I will do a survey to see who is single and ready to mingle," I suggest, and he laughs.

"That was so cringe."

"Too cringe," I agree as we laughed. We are sometimes in sync.

I showed him some TikTok, some of him, some of Alex, and some random ones, and we had a nice lunch. I noticed people took some pictures, but whoever posts them must inform themselves in the fact that besides being a photographer here, I am also related to a driver. 

I decided to take some pics of Alex getting ready for the race and then went to the pitlane, where I took some pics of the teams and some of George. He even looked at some, and he looked damn good. 

He looked even better in third place on the podium 2 hours later. And he was proud. I wondered why until I was being very well fucked until 3 in the morning. This man is restless, and that's why I like having sex with him—one of the many reasons.

I left with George and Alex to London since Silverstone was the next race on the map; I edited some pictures and sent them to the teams. I had some impromptu photos of other drivers nearby, so I DMed them to them.

They are always so happy and appreciative that I love every single friend Alex has made because they became my friends unless you know who. We also had a party scheduled for Sunday since it was Lily's birthday and race day. 

It promised to be an exciting afterparty, and Alex did everything he could so nobody would smash cake on Lily's face or she would be fuming, and he definitely didn't need that. I love those two together. They match each other so well.

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