Chapter Twenty-Six: Perfect

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Iris slams her lamp onto the ground as she tries to devise another plan, growling into the mirror on her desk that is shaking from the abrupt motion. They aren't working together, but they're STILL winning. She ponders, looking away from herself to her Kwami, anxiously shaking from a distance away from her. "Nooroo. HOW are they winning despite Ladybug's absence." She hisses, marching over to his panicked little body. "I-I don't know! They shouldn't be able to free the akumas without her." He whimpers, covering his eyes with his little hands. Iris growls, turning away from the Kwami, "Unless... someone is taking them back to her, they have been keeping them in jars for weeks now." She thinks out loud, tapping her chin with her index finger. A sly grin plastered across her face as she walked over to her computer. She sits in the chair and pulls up the Ladyblog. "Of course, that girl is incompetent enough to upload everything to her blog... even their strategies." She pulls up the latest video uploaded from the day before. She scans through the footage until she finds Argos capturing the Akuma within a jar. "There, he must be the remaining link to Ladybug." She observes as she slowly fast forwards, watching him run away from the swarming journalists. "Nooroo, I think we may have a lead to something catastrophic." She raved, turning around and smirking. Nooroo watches in fear as she stands from her chair, "It's getting late; I should let Paris's superheroes rest for school and before I decide to do anything..." She cackles, walking over to her bedroom door.
Iris walks down her stairs and greets her mother with a wave. "Hi, sweetheart, good of you to join me so late in the evening!" Her mother smiles, watching her daughter walk over to the pantry. "I've just had so much schoolwork lately, Mom! These teachers have never-ending assignments." She groans, pouring herself a bowl of cereal. Her mother nods, walking over to her, "You can talk to me about anything, you know. I heard you knock something over before growling a moment ago," She lays her arm on Iris's shoulder. She smiles back apologetically, "Advanced Calculus can get frustrating when you have a bad teacher." She complained, looking down at her bowl of dry cereal. Her mother removes her hand, "We can get you a tutor if you desire!" She suggested turning to the fridge for a carton of milk. Iris shrugs, "I'm sure there's someone in my class that could help me." She replied, taking the carton from her mother's hand. She nods in approval, "Great! You're so adaptive, honey!" She cheered, kissing Iris on the cheek. Iris's smile continues to stay plastered upon her face as she pours the milk into the bowl before grabbing a spoon. "Oh honey, have you seen the news lately?" Her mother inquires, tilting her head as she slowly backs out of the kitchen. Iris shakes her head no, in confusion. "Apparently, Ladybug, Paris's beloved hero, is using the miraculous she lost for her own gain, and that's why she hasn't been at any recent battles with Chat Noir." Her mother commented, stopping at the entrance. Iris drops her spoon into her bowl before letting out a gasp of air, "WHAT?" She exclaimed in complete and utter shock, obviously a show for her mother. She nods, "Yes! I thought the same; I want you to be very safe nowadays, okay?" She instructed, staring into Iris's blue eyes. She nods in acceptance as her mother walks away to another room.
They think SHE'S the new holder of the butterfly miraculous, without me even trying? These people are absolutely insufferable. This will be like a walk in the park. Iris makes her way back upstairs to her bedroom with her bowl of cereal in her hands. She closes the door behind her and walks back over to the computer. "Good news, Nooroo, this will be easier than expected." She mused, laying her bowl of cereal on her desk in front of the monitor that still had the Ladyblog pulled up. She opens a new tab from Paris's trusted news source, and lo and behold; there was an article claiming that Ladybug turned against her allies.

Ladybug and Chat Noir: Who is The Real Enemy?
Ladybug states she had lost the brooch... could she be using it for her own gain?
Chat Noir implies... maybe?
She lets out a cackle, putting her hands over her face, hoping it would muffle the sound. "I didn't even have to do anything Nooroo!" She exclaims, turning to him, who is absolutely petrified by the news. "This is too perfect!" She sighs, leaning back into her chair. "Her allies hate her for who knows why, and now all of Paris is speculating SHE is the villain because of Chat Noir's ignorance!" She cackles, running her hands through her short black hair. Nooroo frowns at his owner, looking over at the monitor. "The next time they all make an appearance, expect Ladybug to be gone." She hisses, turning off her monitor before stretching her arms.

    The following day started the week at school; posters were plastered everywhere on the walls. Iris glanced around each and every wall facing upper-level students and first- and second-year students's faces with "VOTE FOR CHANGE" posted on the majority. She rolled her eyes once she found Marinette's before tearing the one in front of her down. Again, with this ludicrous representative election... and, of course... she's running. She faced palms before walking away to her usual isolated table near the other miraculous holders.
    "So... you're saying that Ladybug wants to meet with everyone to "explain herself" tomorrow," Nino exclaims in a mocking tone quietly to Alya, who was seated on the bench from the other side of the wall. "Why would she lie to us about wanting to explain herself? What more could she possibly lie about, Nino?" Alya whispered and shouted, grasping her knees. Nino scoffs, "As if she didn't lie before!" He scolded, crossing his arms before taking a seat next to her. She sighed, facepalming, "Shush, you're going to grab people's attention," She whispered, looking toward the entrance. Nino huffs in response, also looking towards the large glass doors.
    Iris smirks to herself, overhearing the conversation; a meeting... where people are most likely to get upset at the main protagonist... perfect. Maybe a distraction will help. She thought as she began to type onto a Word document with notes to look back at later for the next few days. Marinette Dupain-Cheng won't see me coming from a mile away with this plan. She smirks, holding back her laughter from her strategic planning.

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