The Great Turkey Calamity

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hey yalls,

sorry this was supposed to be posted yesterday, also this one is kind of short. welp, here goes nothing... enjoy :)

The first text he received said "this kinda looks like you." And was followed by a picture of a mango and a slice of cheese, yellow cheese with holes. The message was followed by a "this is alex btw." Magnus quickly added the contact to his phone. He left her, as he assumed Alex was a her, on read. A week later he responded.

(Magnus is bold and Alex is italics)

that tie looks stupid, it clashes with your hair

Bitch... How dare you disrespect your elders

isn't ur birthday in april

It's April 17. Why?

ha, i'm older than you. i don't need to respect u

Oh yeah, yours is in February, I forgot.

*** time skip, they continue having conversations like this, and they become more are more frequent ***

"Magnus, who are you texting?" Bitz asked. He was sitting on Magnus's bed and was trying, and failing, to braid his, Magnus's, hair. "Also," he continued, "You need a haircut."

"I'm not letting you cut my hair, and you know that. The last time you cut my hair it looked like someone had taken a chainsaw to it." Alice and Hearth nodded in agreement. Hearth was getting better at reading lips, so they no longer had to use ASL to communicate. But, sometimes, they used it to have slightly more private conversations.

"Stop trying to change the subject. Who are you texting?" He stanched Magnus's phone. "Who is heart emoji-dis bitch-poop emoji?" He looked at Magnus questionably. (❤️ dis bitch 💩)

"Oh, it's just one of my friends"

"Yeah, sure, your friend. It's not like I don't see you blushing over your phone."

"No, I'm serious, it's just Alex."

"Alex," Alice said curiously, "As in someone at school or... OMG IS THAT ALEX FUCKING FIERRO"

"Wait, Magnus, the prince?" Blitz added.

"Yeah... the prince." Now that he knew Alex, Magnus wasn't sure what pronouns he was supposed to use for her, since he always seemed to be able to tell, but he had signed an NDA so he probably was supposed to just address her, Alex, as a him, at least to other people.

"I didn't know you two still talk to each other. It's kind of like one of those romance novels, where the girl hires some random guy to be her date, but then they end up falling in love for real." Alice noted. It was clear she had taken the idea from Hearth, he loved reading romance novels, and it had started to rub off on her.

"Alice, this is not a fucking romance novel," Magnus retorted, "Alex is just someone I like to make fun of, on a continual basis. And before you ask, it's mutual. We both still hate each other."

Alice, Bitz, and Hearth shared a look. "Sure, you still hate Alex," Hearth signed. They all laughed. He was glad he had friends, even if one of them was his sister who was very annoying some, no, all, of the time.

*** time skip, it's the day before thanksgiving, yes ik thanksgiving was last week but like...***

(magnus is bold and alex is italics)

alex, help, they are staring into my soul, they are going to be the death of me. they know i have robbed them of 5 star accommodations. They don't wanna live on floor 19 with me (ik there are only 6 floors of the white house, but for this, i need there to be 22 floors, idk why 22 but that's the number, just deal with it)

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