Rule #1 Don't Get Caught

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A/N Heyy yalls, so i just decided to rewrite this chapter, if you have not read it yet, that is ok, but like, this one is better. Also there will be swearing, i say "fuck" and "ass" a couple times. Nothing mean. Just that the characters are 20 years old who get drunk all the time, so like...

Magnus stared out of his big east wing bedroom windows. Even now, it was still a big change from the small room that he had called home in Boston. Before he was the First Son of America's first female president, he was your typical lower class boy. Now, he is America's golden boy, in the White House, living life without any financial problems. Suddenly, Blitzen walked in.

"You could have knocked you know"

Blitzen was wearing a white turtleneck with black dress pants and black dress shoes, he looked straight out of next week's fashion column. All it needed was a headline, something stupid, like "Turtlenecks, the new fashion?" Blitzen dumped the large pile of clothes onto Magnus's bed and started scrolling on his phone. (Blitz is the grandson of the vice president)

"Is Hearth coming over later?" (Hearth is the bf of Blitz)

"Yeah, he is going to help me finish picking out my outfits. I need to finish packing."

"Cool, what did you bring into my room, other than the mess of clothes that you just dropped onto my bed."

"...Myself. Idiot." Blitz replied, smirking.

"Yeah, other than that"

"Oh, just some magazines to help me prepare."

"Magazines," Magnus said exasperatedly. He picked up one of them, it said something along the lines of a $75,000 cake. He was almost certain he read it wrong, his brother was into fashion, not baking. "Of course that's what you brought. Still keeping the fashion mill turning?"

"Not this time, although that is what I got a degree in fashion design for. I have been researching."

Magnus looked up, shocked by Blitz's response. "...What are you researching? That's supposed to be my job. I am literally majoring in biology. All I fucking do is research."

"I'm reassured about our trip. Have you packed yet? We have a flight tomorrow morning."

"Trip? Flight tomorrow morning? What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Um, yeah, we have to go to the royal wedding. What did you think I brought all the clothes for? You have to finish packing and I expected that you hadn't. Looks like I was right."

"Why didn't Mallory (she is going to go by Mac) tell me?"

"Honestly, I'm surprised Mac hasn't climbed down your ass yet, trying to get you ready. We have two public appearances before we leave. You better start packing."

"Yeah, yeah, fine, just get out of my room."

"I think you're forgetting something..."

"And what would I be forgetting? I mean other than the fact that I forgot the wedding."

"I think you mean WHO are you forgetting"

"Oh shit, we are going to the fucking ROYAL wedding, In fucking ENGLAND."

"Yeah, no shit, how could you forget that we are going to go visit your favorite person in the world."

"Just get out Blitz. I have to pack, and then wallow in sadness about the unfortunate news that you just reminded me of."

*** at the royal wedding ***

Sitting in the church was not as bad as he expected. If he thought about his past wedding experiences, this one was almost the exact same, the same boring people, the same boring music, the same boring vows, it was just all a whole lot fancier. For Magnus, the worst part was the reception.

He was squashed between Blitz and Alice and was seated with a direct view of the prince. He HATED the prince, stupid Alex Valhalla-Fierro of Whales, with his stupid curls, and his stupid green hair, how the Prince of England was allowed to have green hair was beyond him. Magnus glared at Alex. He was wearing that same stupid grin that was always on his face, making him look as ridiculously handsome as always. The only reason that he, Alex, had beat him, Magnus, for the spot on the Vogue cover was because of it. He hated the fact that Alex didn't have to work for anything that he had. Alex was born into royalty, he was handed everything on a golden platter. Which holds significant irony because in fact, Magnus, at the moment, was eating off of a golden plate. He hated food in Britain, they didn't have any falafel. They only had weird foods like mutton pie, like why would someone put meat in a pie. He would much rather have had apple pie, he doesn't even like apples. But, he was a 20 year-old heartthrob and the first son of the US, there were always cameras following him, so he had to eat it.

After dinner, people started dancing. First the, now married couple started, Prince Adrien and his wife, Marianette, then other people started joining in. (yes its inspired by mlb, but only their names not their personalities)Magnus was sitting with Alice and Blitz at a table, they were eating desserts that they had snuck off the table in the back. Magnus was quite sure they were not supposed to have done that, as one of the chefs had practically run after them screaming. He was certain that the biggest news story tomorrow would be "White House Trio, or should they be called, the White House Treat Stealers." He wondered what his mom would think of that. Natalie Chase, the President of the United States, would probably make some weird PowerPoint, with the help of her secret service agent, Odin, about how they should not mess up international relations just because they wanted cookies. He was pulled from his thoughts whenever a short man walked over, he was wearing a suit that looked like it belonged to a butler from the 1900s, and by the look on Blitz's face, Magnus could tell that it in fact was not very fashionable.

"Excuse me, Miss Alice Chase, His Royal Highness, Prince Alex, wishes for you to be his first dance. Would you do him the honor of accepting?" said Mr. I-dress-like-a-stupid-ass-butler.

Alice stuttered, "Oh, uh, um..." She started blushing, her cheeks slowly turning the color of strawberries from the fields in Long Island NY.

Blitz jumped in, smirking, "She would love too, she has been waiting for this moment her whole life"

And then to Alice he whispered, "Thank me later."

Alex walked over, and took Alice's hand, leading her out onto the dance floor. A photographer trailed them, taking photos. This would be the biggest news story to leave this room tonight. They began to waltz together. Over her shoulder, Alex glared at Magnus. That's when Magnus decided he was going to spend the rest of the evening getting as drunk as possible. Hopefully it would make the evening a little bit more enjoyable for him.

Pink, Green, and I Hate BlueOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora