Whose Laugh I Could Recognize Anywhere

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Hey yalls,

i just realised i haven't been posting, for a really long time. so here is the first part, sorry its short... what did y'all's think of the TV series?

(edit.... I lost this and opened it up literally 3 months later...)

(also I have a pjo fan account on insta...... y'all's should follow its @not_ur_average_walker_stan)

welp. enjoy this part...

(magnus is bold  and alex is in italics)



you there?

we really need to talk. this is important.

(three days later)



alex fucking fierro, i need to talk to you.

(two weeks later)


Alex, aka Magnus's best, and only, friend has been ghosting him for weeks. Even Alice realised something was wrong, and she was the person who NEVER knew when something was off about him. She ended up dragging him out for a run, and she knows he hates running. On the run, she pestered him with questions, trying to figure it out.

"Magnus, I know you have told Blitz and Hearth, why can't you just tell me? Whatever this is is clearly affecting you." Alice suddenly asked.

Magnus jumped at the sudden noise, one that was different from the heavy painting of just having been on a run. "I... I just don't know how to tell you. Its.. it's different." 

"More different than your normal 30000 problems." Alice interjected, rolling her eyes.

"Yes, more different than that." Magnus replied. Alice could tell that something was REALLY off, but she couldn't quite place it. She would have to talk to Blitz and Hearth later.

"Come on Magnus, let's get back home, we have to get ready for the visit from Thor." (Thor is the new prime minister)

(time skip.... to later)

Mac barged into my room. He was sitting on my bed, with his earbuds in, re-reading Peter Johnson and the Olympians, The Wedding of My Goat Best Friend. It had been his favorite book since he was a little kid. Mac marched up to him, and snatched the book out of his hands... he could feel the spine start to fall apart more. Magnus took Never Ending Song - Conan Gray out of his ears to hear what she had to say. 

"Magnus Chase, why are you NOT wearing your suit. The Royal Family has been waiting for you for TEN WHOLE MINUTES." She said, while glaring at him. He could feel the glare burning through.

"Oh. Dam. That's kind of a problem." 

"Yeah. No. Shit. Suit. On. NOW." She handed me my suit, shoved me in the bathroom, and looked at her watch.

(after he finished changing. he is wearing a dark green suit, with a black undershirt and a black bow-tie)

(Mac drags him down the stairs, and places him right next to Alice)

Alice turned to him and whispered, "Where have you been?" Then she turned and smiled for the camera that was taking a picture of the Chase's and Thor. After the picture, she pulled him off in a different direction, towards the area where the dinner party was being held.

"Magnus, where have you been..." For some reason, she said this while smirking. Then she suddenly turned us around, and pushed him away.

Magnus looked at her confused, but before he could realize what was going on, he fell back into a tall, green haired someone. 

"Oh. um.. hi" He gulped as he looked up into the sparkling heterochromatic eyes of Alex Fierro, but there was something else, behind the sparkles, and Magnus saw it.

"Hey Maggie.... didn't know you were going to be here" Alex looked around, like she, don't ask, Magnus just knew that she was a she, was trying to run away. Like she was trying to run away.

"Well, it's not like I live here" He smirked at her, but something was definitely off about her. "Hey, are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine..." She was clearly NOT fine. 

Instead of replying, Magnus grabbed her hand and dragged her off towards a different room. Alice saw this, and smirked at Magnus as he passed her. But, Magnus just shook his head at his sister, this was NOT what she thought it was.

(once they get to the room)

Magnus sat down onto the couch, and motioned for Alex to sit next to him.


Hey y'all's...

so that's the end of this section...

next section is the rest of red room... but I have to figure out how to write it, because I am NOT writing it like RWRB, because I do not feel comfortable doing that.... but enjoy the cliffhanger. Imma go read Peter Johnson and the Olympians, The Wedding of My goat Best Friend, to get ready for season two... (ik im like 2 years too early)

also, sorry I haven't been here in MONTHSSSSS. I kinda just stopped opening Wattpad, and forgot that I had it. lmao

well... idk when the next update will be... but until then.

enjoy <3



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