Author's Note

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Hello yalls,

I have basically read all the rwyb and fierrochaase books on wattpad, so I decided that I am going to write one. Hopefully people will actually read this. Imma post a couple of chapters and if it gets reads/ comments I'll write more. If it doesn't i'm still going to be publishing chapters every tuesday, or so, until i get bored, but if this gets love, i will continue till it is done. I DO NOT OWN THE CHARACTERS: MAGNUS, ALEX, BLITZ, HEARTH, ODIN, LOKI, NATALIE, FREY, SAMIRAH, MALLORY, HALFBORN, or TJ. They belong to dear old uncle rick.

Alex Claremont-Diaz is going to be played by...Magnus

Henry *insert super long last name here* is Alex

The white house trio is not a quartet,

Alice (my own character) Magnus, Blitz and Hearth.

Secret Service Agents (SSA) - 

zahra - mallory

amy - odin

Our other british friends are going to be played by

Shaan - Halfborn

Pez - TJ

If you have any question, don't be afraid to dm me for clarity, if you don't understand, someone else will not understand also, and it will help me, as I want to be an author when I graduate high school. Currently I AM writing an actual book. If you would like to help me by previewing it with editing/ideas/tips I would love to share you a copy. just dm me


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