chapitre 1

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The phone rang in his jacket pocket, Alexander put down his bottles of weird substances to answer. A loud voice then said:
-Where are you? I've been waiting forever!
-Yeah I know I'm sorry Max, I had some extra work to do. A silence was in both rooms, floating around. Alexander continued, I'm soon finished, I'll be home by 11.
-I love you, Max. He hung up, not responding to his boyfriend. The scientist then went back to what he was doing before. Some hours later, he took his jacket off and put his hoodie on instead and walked home. It was snowing, Alexander's black hair were now white and his chubby cheeks were red tomato. His brown eyes were as dark as the sky at night. Arriving at his apartment he had to take the snow away from the door before going in. The scientist was welcomed by his boyfriend with an angry and tired face. Alexander asked if he was okay, said he was sorry but no answer was heard from his lover. “I'm gonna go to sleep” Alexander said, he walked to the bedroom before Max stopped him.
-Did you forget that I exist? He stood up.
-What? No why would I?
-probably because we don't spend time together anymore. You work day and night and I'm here waiting for you to come home and look at you! You’re finally home with me but no! You go to sleep! Alexander stared at him with a destroyed look, Max was as angry as a hungry lion.
-Max, you know I need to work. If I don’t then who is gonna pay for this apartment, the food or everything else!
-We can find somewhere less pricey! I just wanna live my life with you but it seems like I live it alone. By those words Max stopped and looked at his boyfriend's face. Alexander was shocked and answered:
-I'm gonna go to sleep and do like you never said that. I could say a lot of things too but I won’t, Good night. He looked away and walked to the open bedroom door.
-I’ll sleep on the couch. Not like sleeping there is gonna be different than usual. The boys walked to their beds. The night is long, Alexander has a hard time sleeping but then finally falls asleep in his tears. In the morning the sky is bright, the ground is only snow and the feeling of pain is still present. Alexander goes to the store not so far from his home, his roman nose hiding under his scarf and ears under his hat. Finally to the store he goes in, takes the snow off his shoes and grabs a shopping basket. He murmured to himself what to buy: “bread, Milk, some pasta I guess?” Suddenly his phone rings. It's his boss, Dave.
-Hi Alexander? I would need you to work this evening please.
-Oh I'm sorry Dave but I've already done you a favor yesterday I'm tired. He said while rubbing his eyes.
-I know, I know that's why I'll pay you more tonight! Just tonight, but if you want to continue then it will be more money every evening for you. Alexander thought a little before asking:
-How much more?
-7 dollars.
-I'll call you before to tell you if I can.
-We do this then good, thank you Alex. Dave was clearly happy with this answer, Alexander was less. He instantly called Max and he instantly answered.
-what is it?
-I know you won't like this but stay with me okay. My boss called and told me he would pay me 7 dollars more tonight if I went to work all night I believe. Max stayed silent. Alexander then begged him to not be mad if he was doing it.
-Fine yeah whatever, more money more happiness right? Do it. We'll see each other tomorrow. Max hung up and Alexander finished the groceries. Finally home with fingers so red that you would think it would come off, Alexander called his boss. After some minutes of ringing he answered.
-Hi Dave, I thought of your offer. I'll do it, just tell me the time I have to be there.
-Thank you so much Alex, be there at 9 and your shift will be over at 9 am. Its fine, right?
-Yes of course, see you. After finishing the call Alexander got sent a message with more information on his shift. Be there at 9 pm and leave at 9 am, you’ll have to go to room A-20, Julia will wait for you at the door. Listen to her closely or you’ll get severe consequences. Have a nice rest of the day. “Well it looks like it's gonna be a fun night” Alexander said to himself. The evening arrived and the scientist went to work. What did he mean by severe consequences?

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