"Okay, Jungkook. Jeez, relax. I'll be there. Bye."


Jungkook hung up and returned to his work. He rarely discussed his personal life with anyone. Talking about it brought back painful memories. He closed his eyes briefly, and images of his past flooded his mind—the trials he had endured, the harsh lessons life had taught him from a young age.

When Jungkook was just five years old, his mother left him with his father. Despite this, Mr. Jeon showered Jungkook with love and care, although his busy schedule often kept them apart. Fortunately, Jungkook had his grandmother, a devoted teacher who took him under her wing, teaching him and caring for him with boundless love. However, when Jungkook turned eleven, his grandmother passed away from cancer, an event he was unprepared for.

A day before she died, his grandmother imparted her final advice: "Find a girl who understands you, and always be strong and successful in life. It's time for you to be mature." She recognized that her son couldn't raise Jungkook alone, and so Jungkook would have to learn to raise himself. Her words left a profound impact on the young boy, who silently questioned, "Why is this happening to me? Why does everyone I love leave? Maybe I'm just unlucky. I will only have friends. I will never fall in love."

At thirteen, Jungkook learned that his father had borrowed money from private lenders to cover hospital bills and keep his business afloat. This led to a dark period where Mr. Jeon, overwhelmed by depression and financial stress, took out his frustrations on Jungkook, shouting, slapping, and speaking of his own death. These harsh experiences taught Jungkook a bitter lesson: money was essential for survival.

By the time Jungkook was sixteen, his father had finally paid off his debts and expanded his business. They moved out of their old house, which had been sold to settle loans, forcing Jungkook to abandon his childhood dream of becoming a K-pop idol. At eighteen, Jungkook took over his father's business, as Mr. Jeon could no longer manage it due to his age. This marked the end of Jungkook's aspirations and the beginning of his journey into the world of business, a path he had never envisioned for himself.

After some time, when Jungkook opened his eyes, everything around him seemed normal again. He shook off the lingering thoughts and returned to his work. Once he finished, he headed home to meet Jin.

As Jungkook entered his home, he saw Jin sitting with Mrs. Jeon in the living room.

"Hi, Jungkook-ah," Jin greeted, coming towards Jungkook and giving him a warm hug

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"Hi, Jungkook-ah," Jin greeted, coming towards Jungkook and giving him a warm hug. Jungkook hugged him back. "Hyung, how are you?" Jungkook asked as they both sat down on the sofa. "I am fine," Jin replied.

Mrs. Jeon approached Jungkook and hugged him too. "Thank you, Kook, for calling Jin here. Are you tired? Should I ask the maids to prepare something for you?" He hugged Mrs. Jeon lightly and assured her, "No, you don't need to do anything but umm, if you want to talk to Jin hyung or spend time with him, you can. Otherwise, Jin and I will be in my room, enjoying delicious food made by the second busiest person after the president of Korea himself," Jungkook teased.

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