You honestly feel bad that you found out Bonney's name a little too late that you almost consider pretending that you remembered.

You ordered yours and Nyx's food and chatted with Bonney as you waited. Nyx was lying on the floor next to you waiting for the food as well.

You were already aware of the previous news through your intelligence network, but you preferred to hear it from another source, and that's where Bonney came in handy. Though it might be just rumors, you were still grateful for the information, as it was better than having no news at all.

You notice the stares from everyone the moment your identity is exposed by Bonney so you pretend that you didn't know. They were all stares filled with shock, disbelief, curiosity, awe, respect, and admiration.

"So Arsene, how did you survive that attack? It was broadcast all over the world" Bonney asked curiously.

Everyone perked their ears and listened carefully while trying not to be too obvious but failed miserably.

You tilted your head a bit and smirked. "I'm a Calico. I have ways to escape Death although it may not be what you think"

She wanted to know more but you just smiled, not wanting to tell more family secrets. A memory flashed when you remembered you told Ace about the Spirit Fruit accidentally years ago. He must've told Luffy its importance and value which is why they sailed to Dressrosa to claim it before everyone else does.

When your food arrived, you placed Nyx's share on the floor in front of her and both of you dug in.

"By the way, I'm no longer Arsene Lupin. Just call me by my name so let me reintroduce myself. I'm Calico D. (First Name). It was nice greeting the world once more" You grinned as you tipped your hat.

There were hitched breaths around the room as they registered the name you introduced. It was a sign that you will inherit your mother's Calico name and your father's Will of D. What more surprises will you lay out?

You and Bonney continued chatting until the bells of the door chimed again alerting another customer. However, this group didn't come here with any good intentions. Everyone turned their attention and their eyes hardened when they recognized the uniforms of the marines.

The marine in front assumed to be the leader as he walked towards Bonney's table and stood behind you. The atmosphere became tense as everyone watched with anticipation.

"Is what you said true? Are you Calico D. (First Name), better known as Arsene Lupin?"

You just finished your food and turned around as you crossed your leg over the other with your spear glinting on your back.

"And what about it? Are you gonna arrest me and alert your superiors about it?" you said defiantly as you narrowed your eyes.

"No" the man replied as he saluted. "Commander Jeshurun greets Commodore Jirin. We are glad to see you alive and well"

Another bout of drinks spitting was heard from the whole restaurant. That's right, no one knew that you used to be a marine until 12 years ago when you were forced out of the system by the force you worked for.

"C-Commodore?! You mean she used to be a marine?"

"Just what else will we learn here?"

You were surprised to see someone from your old team and your eyes widened in shock. You weren't very close to them, as they might have started to forget you under a new leader or got promoted while you were away. You are aware of the corruption within the system and have been trying to change it from the inside, but the government seems to be against your efforts.

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