Chapter 11

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Darth Maul twirls his saber, moving towards the three as Obi-Wan flips over his head. Attacking from behind, Obi-Wan strikes at the Sith, but is blocked by the red saber. Astra moves to the side, advancing on him as Qui-Gon advances forward. Crouching to the ground, Obi-Wan and Astra's swings are missed, as Darth Maul stands, pushing forward against Qui-Gon, quickly turning his double-sided saber to block Astra and Obi-Wan's attack.

Padme and her group continue firing at the droids, hiding behind the pillars. But their shots only bounce off the shields, flying back towards them, hitting a few men.

R2D2 beeps at Anakin, swiveling his head to look at both battles. "I'm trying to! I don't know where the trigger is!" Anakin calls out to R2, pressing a button. The panels and controls light up, as the ship begins moving, "oops, wrong one. Maybe it's this one." Anakin pulls down a lever, the cover sliding into place. "Nope. Wait," Anakin realizes pulling out a handle, "here it is." Anakin begins firing, flying the ship at the droids knocking them each down with a blast. "Yeah!"

Padme watches from her spot, surprised as the ship flies past them. Turning to her group, she waves them forward, "let's go!" They all begin running out of the hanger as Anakin continues to fly away from them.

"Uh, it's on automatic pilot," Anakin nervously says, the ship picking up speed and taking off. Astra glances over, tensely watching her brother fly off. Refocusing, Astra returns to the fight, drawing Maul towards her as they steer away from Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. "Try to override it," Anakin tells R2, pulling on the helmet as the ship flies into space.

The two Jedi make their way back over to the fight, Darth Maul backing away as he blocks each of the sabers. Obi-Wan and Astra spin, aiming high as Qui-Gon goes for Maul's feet, but the older Jedi Knight is knocked down to the floor. Obi-Wan and Astra charge after Maul, as he runs off, doing a half aerial in the air walking backwards. Gliding his hand through the air, he uses the force to fling an object to a control pad, leading Obi-Wan and Astra towards the power chambers of the hanger. Qui-Gon stands, chasing after the three fighters, rejoining the fight.

Darth Maul twirls his saber, blocking the blue and pink sabers. Qui-Gon runs over, striking his saber against Maul's, the latter intricately moving his saber up and down to block the attacks. Maul fights Qui-Gon off, as he kicks Obi-Wan's chest, knocking the Jedi away. Qui-Gon and Astra advance, backing the sith further into the power hanger. Qui-Gon is ahead and closer to Maul, swinging his saber up then quickly down. But the sith blocks it, as Astra runs over with Obi-Wan right behind her. The only girl steps forward, swinging her saber at the dark man, corralling him back but he glides his saber through the air, using the force and cutting Astra's stomach. Sent flying through the air Astra pays no mind to her wound, getting up and running over to the fight.

Maul swings his saber around, forcing Qui-Gon a step or two back as Obi-Wan twirls around to avoid the red saber. Maul spots an opening, bringing his saber down to cut Obi-Wan but Astra blocks it with her own, sticking her left hand out and wrapping pink tendrils around the sith. Jerking her hand forward, Astra sends the dark man flying back as Obi-Wan meets her eyes, sending her a thankful nod. Qui-Gon charges forward, Maul steps back and over to the control panel on the platform ledge. Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon and Astra jog over, cornering him, as they take a moment to glare at their enemy.

Darth Maul bares his teeth angrily at Astra, the girl seemingly unfazed by the man's hate towards her as her features remain neutral. Qui-Gon stares hard at the man, as Obi-Wan looks determined. Obi-Wan lunges forward gaining Maul's attention but falls back, allowing Qui-Gon to strike at the man. Maul blocks it and flips back, landing on the ramp behind them. The Jedi Knights use the Force, propelling themselves over the gap and onto the ramp. Astra stares at the gap for a moment, glancing up to the men as the pink shimmer ripples over her body. The Jedi swing their saber's forward, as Maul blocks both of them at once with one end of his saber. Astra appears beside them, raising her saber to strike. Darth Maul pushes the two sabers away, siding stepping Astra's saber and bringing his own up to block it as they glare heatedly at each other now.

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