Chapter 7

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Darth Maul stands in the desert, one of the probes coming to him. Beeping at Darth Maul, the sith lord walks away climbing onto his speeder and taking off.

Qui-Gon and Astra jog ahead of Anakin, the young boy trailing behind. "Qui-Gon, sir! Astra, wait, I'm tired."

Astra freezes turning towards her brother. Qui-Gon turns too, shouting out to the boy, "Anakin, drop!" The boy does as told, a pink shield forming around him. Darth Maul speeds over the boy, flipping off and landing in front of Astra and Qui-Gon. The two men ignite their lightsabers, engaging is a fight. Astra ducks when Maul swings his red saber at her, pink tenderlis surrounding her hands. A sword of her own forms in hand, bringing it up to block the saber.

Qui-Gon turns to Anakin, "get to the ship! Tell them to take off!" He turns back, reentering the fight. Stepping back Astra swings around, her sword changing into a whip. Lashing it out, Astra wraps it arounds Maul's leg jerking him to the ground.

"Astra get to the ship!" Qui-Gon yells. Maul glares at the girl, his eyes widening slightly when a shimmer of pink ripples over her as she vanishes.

Anakin runs onto the ship, Panaka and Padme meeting up with him. Walking to the cockpit of the ship, the door opens revealing Obi-Wan and the pilot. "Qui-Gon is in trouble," Panaka informs everyone. Obi-Wan looks out the window watching Astra and Qui-Gon fight off the man.

"Where did the girl go?" The pilot asks, when Astra disappears in the shimmer of pink.

Astra appears beside Anakin, "I'm right here." Everyone expect Anakin and Obi-Wan jump, startled at her sudden presence. Obi-Wan stares at her for a moment, before sitting beside the pilot.

"Take off," Obi-Wan instructs, pointing to the fighting pair, "over there. Fly low." The plane takes off, the pilot doing as instructed. Darth Maul jumps over Qui-Gon, landing behind him. Turning quickly, Qui-Gon forces him away. The plane flies over head, Qui-Gon force jumping up onto the ramp. Running up the ramp, Qui-Gon falls down exhausted, as the ramp closes behind him. Obi-Wan and Anakin walk out of the cockpit, running ovre to the man. Astra walks over slowly, standing behind them slightly.

"Are you alright?" Anakin asks concerndly, kneeling beside the man.

Obi-Wan kneels beside him, "Master? What was it?"

"I'm not sure," Qui-Gon admits, "but it was well-trained in the Jedi arts." R2 beeps in agreement, as Qui-Gon breaths heavily, "my guess is it was after the queen."

"What are we gonna do about it?" Anakin asks. Obi-Wan and Astra glance over at the youngest among them, before looking back at Qui-Gon.

"We shall be patient," Qui-Gon says, "Anakin Skywalker, meet Obi-Wan Kenobi." The two shake hands, Anakin grining happily.

"Hi, are you a Jedi too?" Anakin asks, Obi-Wan nodding to the boy, "pleased to meet you." The two men lightly chuckle as they all stand from the floor.

"And Obi-Wan Kenobi meet Astra Skywalker," Qui-Gon introduces the two. Astra offering her hand. Obi-Wan smiles to her, shaking her hand softly. A warmth spreads over her hand, at the small contact.

"So you're the one with power we sensed upon our arrival," Obi-Wan states, giving the girl a small grin. "It's an honor to meet someone with power such as yours. And you have my thanks for helping my Master."

"You're welcome," Astra tells him, nodding her head to him. Pulling her hand away, Astra instantly regerts it when the warmth fades from where their hands were once connected. Astra clears her throat lightly, turning to Anakin, "come on Ani."

Anakin walks beside her as they leave the two Jedi. Before turning down the hall, Astra glances over her shoulder giving Obi-Wan one more gaze.

Now laying next to each other, Anakin curls further into Astra's side as she wraps the blanket around them more. JarJar sits on chair, his head lean backed as he snores. Padme walks in, wearing her orange handmaiden dress as she walks over to the communication console. Pressing a button, a hologram appears replaying the transmission that the others had watched earlier.

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