Chapter 3

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Coming out of hyperspace, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and Panaka watch over the pilot's shoulder as they move towards the yellow planet. "There it is," Obi-Wan speaks, "Tatooine. There's a settlement." Obi-Wan looks to the screen to find the closest settlement.

"Land near the outskirts," Qui-Gon instructs, "we don't want to attract any attention."

The ship heads closer to the planet, flying over a small town. Landing a good distance away, the ramp lowers with the men standing there. Qui-Gon walks through a doorway, fixing his shawl as Obi-Wan tinkers with the hyperdrive and engine. Looking up to his master, Obi-Wan informs, "the hyperdrive generator's gone, Master. We'll need a new one."

"That'll complicate things," Qui-Gon admits, "be wary. I sense a disturbance in the force."

Obi-Wan voices his thoughts, "I feel it also Master. And something else. More powerful and possibly dangerous."

"I know," Qui-Gon tells his padawan, "don't let them send any transmissions." Qui-Gon walks away, leaving Obi-Wan concerned but intrigued at the new sensation of such strong power.

Qui-Gon walks down the ramp, JarJar next to him with R2-D2 trailing behind them. Making it a few yards, Panaka and Padme run out of the ship, the captain calling out. "Wait!" Qui-Gon and JarJar turn to them, pausing their movements. "Her Highness commands you to take her handmaiden with you. She wishes to observe the locals..."
Qui-Gon cuts him off, sighing, "no more commands from her Highness today, Captain. This spaceport is not going to be pleasant."

"The Queen wishes it," Panaka insists. "She is curious about this planet."

"This is not a good idea," Qui-Gon admits, glancing down at Padme, he sternly tells her, "stay close to me." The two humans, Gungan and droid, walk away from the ship, making their way to the town.

The little group walks down the main street of Mos Espa. Passing the dangerous looking citizens, they glance around nervously. Padme gazes around her surroundings in awe at the exotic environment.

"Moisture farms for the most part, but there are also indigenous tribes and scavengers," Qui-Gon tells Padme. "The few spaceports like this one are havens for those who do not wish to be found."

Padme looks up to Qui-Gon, "like us." Qui-Gon nods to the young girl, as JarJar follows behind them in a state of panic. R2 trails beside JarJar whistling to the Gungan in confidence.

"Dissen berry berry bad," JarJar voices his thoughts, stepping in some ooze. "Ooooh...icky... icky...gooo." He swings his leg, trying to get the goo off his foot. The group comes to a little plaza surrounded by several junk spaceship dealers.

"We'll try one of the smaller dealers," Qui-Gon says walking towards the junk shop. The junk shop door slides open, as they glance over to the back of the shop where a huge pile of broken spaceships are stacked behind it.

In the shop, Astra sits up when sees the people enter, "Watto! You have customers."

Watto flies into the room, "hi chuba da naga?" (what do you want)

Qui-Gon looks confused for a moment, before replying, "I need parts for a J-type 327 Nubian."

"Ah yes, yes. Nubian. We have lots of that. What kinda junk?" Watto nods along, then proceeds to ask. Turning to the door that leads out to the back, Watto shouts to Anakin, "Peedenkel! Naba dee unko!" (boy get in here! now!)

"My droid here has a readout of what I need," Qui-Gon tells Watto.

"Anakin! Come in here please!" Astra calls out to her brother, when he doesn't come right away. Anakin comes running into the room, jumping on the counter near his sister.

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